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Konveyor is now a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Sandbox project

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konveyor io

Jul 28, 2022, 11:59:46 AM7/28/22

Big news! Konveyor was recently accepted as a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Sandbox project 🎉

Why are we so excited about this? 

This is a huge milestone in our mission to accelerate the movement of applications to run on Kubernetes with an open-source approach. With the added credibility of our sandbox status, we can more easily attract and convince others to adopt and contribute to Konveyor. The result will be more effective open source tools that everyone can use to adopt Kubernetes and cloud-native technology faster!

What happens now?

We’re trying to get the word out about our new status (a graphic you can share on social is below!) – a more formal announcement will come in a few months. 


With regards to tools, we’re rethinking where to focus based on interest and usage. More on that to come later. For now, sharing the news with your network would be the most helpful. 

And lastly, thank you to all involved for helping this happen: 

  • Karena Angell and Josh Berkus for guiding us through the application process. 

  • IBM Research and Red Hat for contributing tools and helping to spread the word about the community.

  • Microsoft for contributing PRs and providing feedback to the community. 

  • And to all of you on this email list for attending meetups, using the tools, giving us feedback, and spreading the word. 

Happy migrating, 

Konveyor team

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