KonOpas 0.4.0 released

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Eemeli Aro

Oct 9, 2013, 5:44:48 AM10/9/13
to konop...@googlegroups.com
Just to let you know, I've done some work on KonOpas over the last few
days. I've also nominated the latest release as version 0.4.0; the
previous versioning has been based on what I got ready for specific
conventions, but that doesn't really make sense anymore. For a
backdated history, Chicon was 0.1, Finncon & Readercon were 0.2-ish,
and LoneStarCon was 0.3.

This particular release is available here:

So, changes since LoneStarCon:
* added export/import of starred selections
* setting time_show_am_pm now actually does what you think
* added abbrev_00_minutes option for am/pm time
* added gdrive2js, a PHP conversion tool from data in Google
Docs spreadsheets to KonOpas format
* skin bug fixes: time scroller doesn't show at top, long links
don't overflow in profile view
* show alert() dialog for browsers without required features
* show alert() dialog for iOS/Safari in private browsing mode
* lots of bugfixes

I would be rather interested in bug reports about non-functioning
browsers. I tried to but had to give up on adding IE8 support, but for
other browsers I'm not sure yet about the requirements (Does IE9 work?
Should, but I've no idea.).

I'll try and get around to adding issues to github to track bug
reports and feature suggestions. For now I'm working on at least :
- handling updates
- adding sub-pages to the info view
- still trying to get iCal export to work

And here's a list of upcoming conventions that I've heard of that are
looking to implement KonOpas:
- Octocon 2013: http://www.octocon.com/app/
- Capclave 2013: http://www.capclave.org/capclave/capclave13/konopas/
- Detcon 1
- Conjecture 2013 / Conchord 25
- Arisia 2014
- Boskone 51
- Loncon 3


Eemeli Aro

Oct 10, 2013, 6:22:32 AM10/10/13
to konop...@googlegroups.com
So, I published links to KonOpas on JOF [1] and SMOFS [2], and got
some encouraging feedback and suggestions.

I also did enough changes to warrant bumping up the version number to 0.4.1 [3]:
* CSS now generated from LESS, allowing for easier modification
* moved global options to new "ko" object
* added option ko.always_show_participants (default false)
* moved gdrive2js & android-wrapper to util/ and added READMEs
* removed unused iCal code
* various CSS & JS bugfixes

The LESS [4] thing might be the most interesting to you, as it allows
e.g. using variables for stylesheet colours. It does need to be
compiled into CSS, but there are online tools for that as well [5].
For development work (but not for actually publishing!) you can also
use LESS directly by replacing the stylesheet <link> in index.html
with something like the following:

<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="skin/skin.less" />
<script src="local-copy-of-less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Note that you'll need to grab a local copy of less.js from [4], and
the above won't work unless you're accessing the site via HTTP (as
opposed to file://).

I also added a bunch of issues to the tracker [6], mainly feaure requests.


[1] https://www.facebook.com/groups/147712378657194/
[2] http://listsmgt.sflovers.org/mailman/listinfo/smofs
[3] https://github.com/eemeli/konopas/releases/tag/0.4.1
[4] http://lesscss.org/
[5] http://less2css.org/
[6] https://github.com/eemeli/konopas/issues
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