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Fwd: [gdr-ifm] hiring campaign for international Bézout master's scholarships

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Alexander Shen

Apr 4, 2024, 5:48:51 AM4/4/24
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just in case

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Subject: [gdr-ifm] hiring campaign for international Bézout master's
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 23:19:27 +0200
From: Marie-Pierre Béal <>
Reply-To: Marie-Pierre Béal <>
CC: Raphaël Danchin <>, Marie-Pierre BEAL
<>, Stéphane Vialette Eiffel

Dear colleague,

The 2024-2025 hiring campaign for international Bézout master's
scholarships is open from March 20 to May 20 at midnight.  We will be
able to accept 10 applications. The Bézout scholarship program is
directed towards excellent students in mathematics, computer science or
both, from foreign institutions willing to pursue their studies in
Université Paris-Est at the master level.  The laureates will receive
about 1300 € per month over 11 months and will be proposed a room on the
campus.  The best students will then be invited to join the PhD program
of the Doctoral School MSTIC (Mathematics, Sciences and Information and
Communication Technology). A joint supervision with the student's
national doctoral framework, leading to both PhD grades, is possible.

The details of the program can be found here: .  From the same webpage,
a link to the application form will be available soon.

A description of the activities of the Bézout Labex can be found in the
attached leaflet.  One can also send you a few printed leaflets at your
postal address if you wish.

Contact: Raphaël Danchin <>

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