Halo Hola

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fred lane

Nov 13, 2010, 3:28:06 AM11/13/10
to Kohana Indonesia
salam kenal smua..
mari bersama-sama belajar Kohana dan Perkembangannya

nama sy Freddy ,

pake Kohana 2.x dan Kohana 3.x

ym:fredhive (fredmi...@yahoo.com)

Keep Sharing.
Klo temen2 smua pernah bikin aplikasi Enterprise ato Aplikasi yg bisa
dibilang kompleks pake Kohana

di share oke



Nov 13, 2010, 5:17:48 AM11/13/10
to koha...@googlegroups.com
Iya betuL,
jangankan kompleks, yg simple juga boleh, buat org2 seperti såÿã newbie banget,,

Oiya,, Äðã yg pernah konekin kohana ke oracle 8 ?

Thx ya,
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Arie W. Subagja

Nov 14, 2010, 10:59:21 PM11/14/10
to koha...@googlegroups.com
Hallo Fred, gw dah lama neh ga pake KO 2x, kalo gw rada2 lupa. gw
boleh nanya kan? ^^
btw YM nya mau gw add.

2010/11/13 fred lane <fredho...@gmail.com>:

> --
> Home : http://www.kohana-id.co.cc
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Kohana Indonesia" group.
> To post to this group, send email to koha...@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Arie W. Subagja
www: http://arie.malam.or.id

fred lane

Nov 18, 2010, 1:37:10 AM11/18/10
to Kohana Indonesia
Oke sip sip :-D

On Nov 14, 7:59 pm, "Arie W. Subagja" <arie.mi...@malam.or.id> wrote:
> Hallo Fred, gw dah lama neh ga pake KO 2x, kalo gw rada2 lupa. gw
> boleh nanya kan? ^^
> btw YM nya mau gw add.
> 2010/11/13 fred lane <fredhopel...@gmail.com>:
> > salam kenal smua..
> > mari bersama-sama belajar Kohana dan Perkembangannya
> > nama sy Freddy ,
> > pake Kohana 2.x dan Kohana 3.x
> > ym:fredhive (fredmindla...@yahoo.com)

Firman doank

Jan 10, 2011, 2:58:14 AM1/10/11
to Kohana Indonesia
wahh seru nie,..
kirim donk via mail contoh simple ko 2xnya hhehehee
baru gabung soalnya
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