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JN - Journal Title: deprecated search field?

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Myka Kennedy Stephens

May 23, 2018, 7:33:10 PM5/23/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
In trying out different types of discovery searches in Koha (using the EDS API), I discovered that the JN Journal Title search would always return an error. I reported this to ByWater Solutions, our Koha support company, and the developer submitted it as an issue to EBSCO through GitHub. After upgrading to Koha 17.11 and updating our EDS API plugin, I noticed that the search was still returning an error. When I went to the EDS interface to try a comparison search, I noticed that EBSCO does not offer JN as a field option in its advanced search. Instead, SO Source seems to serve the same purpose as JN Journal Title.

The EDS API plugin seems to be pulling the search fields from EBSCOadmin and syncing them daily:

I have checked our EDS API profile in EBSCOadmin looking primarily at search settings for modes, limiters, and expanders and have not been able to find where this information is kept so that I can turn off JN. 

In the meantime, the developer at ByWater Solutions came up with this JavaScript workaround to suppress/hide the JN option:
$(document).on("change focus","#masthead_search",function(){
("#masthead_search option[value='JN']").remove();

Is anyone else experiencing this with the EDS API plugin for Koha? Do you have a different solution?


Myka Kennedy Stephens

Sep 15, 2018, 1:06:07 PM9/15/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
Hi folks,

I have an update on this issue. After talking with David Podboy at KohaCon, I sent him this information. He shared that the JN search in the EDS API plugin is supposed to search Publication Finder through Koha. We upgraded to the latest version of the plugin a few weeks ago, so I commented out the JavaScript we were using to suppress the JN search field option and tried again. I found that it does indeed work as a Publication Finder search and we're no longer receiving an error.

If you haven't upgraded to the latest version of the EDS API plugin, version 17.11005, I strongly encourage you to do so. This has helped resolve other issues we've been having with the plugin.

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