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Display issues with recent updates to Koha and EDS plugin

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Myka Kennedy Stephens

Jan 25, 2022, 8:16:47 AM1/25/22
to Koha+EDS User Group
Hello fellow Koha+EDS users,

We've been having some issues recently with our EDS plugin and I'm wondering if they are local to our installation or if others are having similar troubles.

First, shortly after upgrading to Koha 21.05, we began having some problems with the display of EDS search results. They were taking up the entire width of the screen, listing all the facets at the top, forcing the user to scroll quite a bit to get to the search results. We attributed this to the new Bootstrap version that Koha is using now. An update to the plugin fixed the issue, though it has happened to us twice now.

What we're now experiencing may have something to do with a change on the EDS API -- I'm really not sure. On search results that return research starters, there is some extra formatting that is not rendering correctly in Koha. I'm attaching screenshots of two test searches I did in our Koha to illustrate what we're experiencing.

Is anyone else having similar issues?

Myka Kennedy Stephens
Seminary Librarian
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Lancaster, PA, United States
social justice results.png
justice results.png
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