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Myka Kennedy Stephens

Jun 7, 2018, 3:39:13 PM6/7/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
Hi everyone,

I started this group a couple of weeks ago and it has been fun to see the membership grow. I've enjoyed reading the short comments from those of you who chose to share about why you wanted to join the group. It occurs to me that many of you might have questions, or at least experiences with EDS and Koha to share. Please feel free to do that!

Please know, this is the first Google group that I've tried to start. I *think* I have all the settings set correctly to allow all members to respond to posts and to create new posts. If you are having any trouble posting to the group, please let me know so that I can make adjustments.

Also, it was suggested on the Koha listserv that we might want to consider gathering and conversing on a different platform that is more neutral and open. I have participated in Google groups for other open source projects and find them easy to use as a participant and member, so that's why I chose Google. Since we've barely gotten started, now would be the time to move if we want. Does anyone have strong feelings either way? 

Again, welcome everyone. I'm eager to hear about your experiences with EDS and Koha, and to share my own. I think out of our conversations we might come up with some really good ideas to take to the developers to make the integration between EDS and Koha better.

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