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Deleted records still appearing in EDS

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Siobhan Cottam

Aug 20, 2018, 4:02:06 AM8/20/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
Hi all

I'm hoping this is quite a simple question (I have asked EDS support, just waiting for a response) - we are using OAI-PMH to harvest records from Koha to EDS, but it does not seem to update when I delete records from Koha. How do I delete records and ensure they disappear from EDS too?



Siobhan Cottam

Aug 21, 2018, 3:40:39 AM8/21/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
I've had an email response to this from a member of the group (thank you) - to say that suppressed records also show in EDS. As OAI PMH doesn't seem fit for purpose here, how are others sending catalogue records to EDS? We want to have RTAC, is this possible outside of OAI PMH?



Myka Kennedy Stephens

Aug 21, 2018, 8:09:32 AM8/21/18
to Koha+EDS User Group
Hi Siobhan,

We use FTP to send our records to EDS. ByWater Solutions, our Koha support company, set up a cron job that sends our complete catalog to our EBSCO FTP site every night at midnight. I get an auto email from EBSCO whenever the file is processed. Sometimes they get the records processed by 6 or 7 in the morning; sometimes it isn't processed until the afternoon. I guess it depends on the sever load on any given day and how many other files it has to process.

As I recall, we set it up this way because we were having a similar problem with trying to send information to EDS about which records needed to be deleted and which ones are added. With this solution the catalog is rebuilt every day. 

If you'd like more details, I could look into our settings for you. Maybe send you some screenshots. Would that be helpful?

As for RTAC, I don't think we've turned that on. I remember it not being very accurate and slowing down the load time for search results. That is why we have been working so hard to de-bug Discovery searching in the Koha interface because when you use the EDS plugin for Koha the availability displays natively in Koha.

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