complex real world examples?

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Jun 22, 2011, 4:15:50 AM6/22/11
to KnockoutJS

I find knockout.js to be exciting but being used to MVC frameworks
it's hard for me to visualize how it could be used to build real
complex apps.

Is it possible to build a dynamic editable grid with sorting,
filtering and grouping like in the following extjs example:

Can I build an hierarchy of extensible components?
For example, in extjs you have a GridPanel which extends a Panel which
extends Container...

Can I use plugins to add common functionality to different components?

Is it possible to build/destroy components dynamically?
For example, I know that you can add a tab to a "tab panel" but can
the new tab
include a complex grid?


Entity Spaces

Jun 22, 2011, 7:19:41 AM6/22/11
to KnockoutJS
That is an awesome javascript grid sample. I've been thinking about
how to do it in "knockout" but it's all mostly javascript and not html
so I'm not sure how one would slice in the binding attributes. It will
be interesting to see what the real knockout guru's and javascript
guru's reply with to this post. This is exactly the kind of thing I
think knockout needs, sophisticated controls with real examples.


Jul 13, 2011, 9:08:24 PM7/13/11
to KnockoutJS
I too would like to know if KnockoutJS can be used with Sencha Touch
or if there is even a need for it, or does Sencha Touch do its own
data binding somehow? Since ST is all JavaScript, and KO uses HTML5
attributes for binding, I'm not sure they can fit. But if someone has
or knows how, I'd love to hear and see an example!

On Jun 22, 4:15 am, pablo <> wrote:
> Hi
> I find knockout.js to be exciting but being used to MVC frameworks
> it's hard for me to visualize how it could be used to build real
> complex apps.
> Is it possible to build a dynamic editable grid with sorting,
> filtering and grouping like in the following extjs example:
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