Similar more modern frameworks?

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Jun 29, 2022, 6:12:06 PM6/29/22
to KnockoutJS
Has anyone found a newer framework that works in a similar way to knockout.js ?


Didier Gasser-Morlay

Jun 30, 2022, 2:38:40 AM6/30/22
It is a shame that tko does not take off. The ideas seemed pretty sound.

I am still hunting for a replacement there are a few. I googled for "html js binding"


Jul 1, 2022, 10:40:13 AM7/1/22
to KnockoutJS
Ya iv been researching pretty hard this past week for something more modern. Its a shame ko isn't under active dev.
I take it none if the ones you have looked at made you switch to them away from ko?

Jul 1, 2022, 12:55:18 PM7/1/22
to KnockoutJS
ko is better than react. Hopefully they will fix bugs but its pretty much perfect the way it is

Daniel Dickison

Jul 1, 2022, 1:10:50 PM7/1/22
to KnockoutJS
You may have seen my previous messages on this, but with the recent beta release of tko I consider it very stable and mature. We have been running this version in our production site since last fall with no problems. While I wouldn't expect there to be a lot of activity in the tko repository, I think you could expect any serious bugs that are found to be addressed.

That said, we're also experimenting with vuejs as that seems to be the best modern framework that follows a similar philosophy, especially when you use their Composition API in single-file components. I'd say the biggest differences have been:
  • Vue SFC requires a compilation step, whereas we use Knockout purely as a runtime library. This can be a pro or a con: ko is easier to deploy on a simple site or into a deeply-entrenched non-webpack/esbuild pipeline, but SFCs are a nice way to organize a larger codebase.
  • TypeScript support in Vue is great.
  • Vue is more opinionated. You can organize your knockout code in a lot of different ways, even using observables individually without clear "view model" classes, while Vue code really wants to be organized as an hierarchy of components.
  • Nicer, modern tooling with Vue. E.g. hot-reloading with the vite build system is great during development.

Jul 1, 2022, 1:13:33 PM7/1/22
to KnockoutJS
Vue SFC requires a compilation step

stopped reading

Jul 3, 2022, 10:50:24 AM7/3/22
to KnockoutJS
Hi all,

Not to spam or promote my personal projects, but since you asked... :-)
I've been researching the best ways to use Knockout style bindings in a modern environment for over 2 years now and I've bundled my wishes in a small library called Imagine.

I took inspiration from both Knockout's and WPF/XAML's binding engines. The main goal was to have Knockout style bindings that work with any modern 3rd party Web Component.

Other goals (incomplete):
- 2 way bind any property on any Web Component
- Unopinionated / architecture agnostic. Should work in both MVVM and Composition styles. A big part of my motivation was my wish use Composition for reusable (UI-)elements, but "glue" it together MVVM style at higher abstraction levels. 
- Performance
- No CSP breaking unsafe evals or other things that plague Knockout in modern environments
- Some things from WPF (transforms, etc)

This is still very much beta and the documentation is lacking on all fronts, but I couldn't ignore this question.

Of course I'm not suggesting using this "beta version that is maintained by one guy" in production, but I am curious how the community feels about something like this. (Even though "the community" doesn't really follow this mailinglist anymore :-) ). Having said that, I've been using it for over a year in prototypes and MVPs and it allows for very rapid prototyping!

Kind regards,

Op donderdag 30 juni 2022 om 00:12:06 UTC+2 schreef Shawn:
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