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Setting large document with Knitr

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Aug 14, 2017, 4:45:19 AM8/14/17
to knitr
Dear All,

I have three big projects, I would like to create a document structure using Parent-child in knitr. here is the short descriptions:

Document A: Parent

1. I big document structure that its, I can perform knitting or compiling using knitr   separately.
2. Combine three other document files, namely B, C and D
3. When knitting file A, combine the results of other three

Document B:  Child for A
1. Knitting or compiling it separately
2. It has four child - subfolders with .Rnw files
3. This four child files compiled or knitting it separately

Document C: Child for A
1. Knitting or compiling it separately
2. It has four child - subfolders with .Rnw files
3. This four child files compiled or knitting it separately

Document D: Child for A
1. Knitting or compiling it separately
2. It has four child - subfolders with .Rnw files
3. This four child files compiled or knitting it separately

Setting up:
How can i set this structure using parent child relationships?
2. Can I have parent-parent-child relationship?
3. Can I have parent - child - child -  child relationship?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Jeff Newmiller

Aug 14, 2017, 9:24:29 AM8/14/17
to HD, knitr
Have you read [1]? If not,  please do.  If so, show an example of what you have tried based on those examples that did not work.

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