Is there anyone who does not want to deprecate local-gateway.mesh: "mesh" in config-istio?

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Kenjiro Nakayama

Jul 30, 2021, 1:35:05 AM7/30/21
to Knative Users,
Hello Knative users especially net-istio users,

As per title, we are planning to deprecate and eventually remove the local-gateway.mesh configuration.

    # To use only Istio service mesh and no knative-local-gateway, replace
    # all local-gateway.* entries by the following entry.
    local-gateway.mesh: "mesh"

So, please let us know in the github issue if you do not want to deprecate it.

The configuration makes local traffic completely rely on mesh (virtual service).
And we are planning to deprecate the config with the following reasons:
  • DomainMapping cannot enable `local-gateway.mesh` as discussed in
  • E2E test does not enable `local-gateway.mesh` (because domainmapping tests fail and mesh specific option for test is necessary.)
  • mesh to mesh traffic has no difference between w/ and w/o `local-gateway.mesh`. The option is just to use only mesh and to completely remove the local gateway.
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