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Knative Eventing Scale Benchmarks

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shubham sangamnerkar

Jul 25, 2023, 9:51:10 PM7/25/23
to Knative Users

My name is Shubham. My team is trying out Knative eventing for use in my company. We are currently evaluating it's performance and I was wondering if there is any performance benchmarking that has been done previous by the knative maintainers/some other organizations. More specifically I am looking for the following:

For a given machine configuration, 

1. What is the number of triggers can de deployed (I understand there might not be a limit, but when does the performance really start degrading?)
2. What is the average event latency? (Time it reached the consumer - Time it started from the producer, assuming a producer, broker and trigger in picture).

I and my team have a lot of similar questions and hence were looking for benchmarks if anyone already has them.

Thanks in advance!

Sameer Vohra

Jul 28, 2023, 12:20:03 PM7/28/23
to shubham sangamnerkar, Knative Users

Hey Shubham,

I am not sure if there is a generic result page for Eventing benchmarks. There are benchmark #s published for RabbitMQ Broker -> The benchmarks use the setup provided in -> so it can be used to generate results for other brokers or other configurations.






From: <> on behalf of shubham sangamnerkar <>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 9:51 PM
To: Knative Users <>
Subject: Knative Eventing Scale Benchmarks

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