KML Display problem with Chrome and .NET

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Felix Alié

Mar 19, 2015, 6:57:39 AM3/19/15
Hi everyone, 
Firstly I'd like to apologize for my english, this is not my native language,

I am facing a strange issue. I developped a JS script that display KML layers on a map. The thing is, when i tested it on a simple html page it worked perfectrly but when I integrated it in my bigger project in .NET the kml were not displayed anymore on Chrome (or just sometimes partially) while they were perfectly working on IE and Firefox. I already posted this on another forum and they told me that it could be a css conflict. The thing is, i can't share the .NET page cause it's still in developpement and I only work on a local server ( it's sadly not my decision to make, it's for my work). But i can give you the .js files if you think it may help!

Thank you.

barryhunter (KML Guru)

Mar 19, 2015, 7:09:23 AM3/19/15
Come back when you have a link you can share. 

Create a secondary page, with just enough functionality to replicate the issue if needbe. 

Something like this is next to impossible to debug, unless can actually see it in action. 

Felix Alié

Mar 19, 2015, 9:48:42 AM3/19/15
Thanks for your quick answer, i integrated all css files from the .NET project to my simple html page and although lot of links aren't working (i didn't change all the repositories links) the fact is here: with the css files kml layers don't load on Chrome while they load on Firefox:

you can try it by typing DTNO in the input field and pressing enter

Felix Alié

Mar 19, 2015, 9:59:51 AM3/19/15
This one is probably better: only one css is used!

Felix Alié

Mar 19, 2015, 10:41:56 AM3/19/15
UPDATE: In case it can help someone else with the same issue, the problem was caused by the max-width : 100% field in the css, so I added a:
 #name_of_my_map_div img{ max-width: none !important;} and now it works fine.
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