KlodB Sunday Walk; Treading the Royal Path

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2023年1月3日 03:02:092023/1/3
Join us for the first walk of New Year 2023. We walk around some princely palaces in the city. The walk is led by Mr. Sumanta K Bhowmick, author of the book Princely Palaces in New Delhi.

Rajas and Maharajas from all over the British Indian Empire congregated in Delhi to attend the great Delhi Durbar of 1911. A new capital city was born—New Delhi. Soon after, the princely states came up with elaborate palaces in the “new” Imperial capital— Hyderabad House, Baroda House, Jaipur House, Jind House, Mandi House, to name a few.
Why did the British government allot prime land to the princely states and how? Who occupied these palaces and what were the events held? What happened to these palatial buildings after the integration of the states with the Indian Republic? These princely palaces form an integral part of New Delhi’s urban topography. Built about a century ago for purposes that may not be of relevance anymore, these palaces are the relics of the past passed on to posterity, speaking of a time that was part of the continual process of knitting an unstitched destiny.
A colourful procession in full regalia, uniformed men guarding the palaces, fluttering flags of myriad hues, saxophones regaling the guests, the tinkling of wine glasses … slip into a time-warp till you encounter modern New Delhi.
As Part-II of the KLoDB ‘Princely Palaces Walk’ (Part-I was for the princely palaces around C-hexagon), we will move around Mandi House, Bhagwan Dass Road, Copernicus Marg, and KG Marg to dwell on the subject.
Date and Time: 8 January 2023, Sunday; 10 AM
Duration: 2 hours (approx.)
Meeting Point: In front of Gate No. 1, Mandi House Metro station
Contact person: Sumanta K Bhowmick, Mobile 9971369909
Brace yourself for the winters with adequate clothing, and carry water bottles. Enjoy New year's snacks at Bengali Market or Triveni Tea Terrace at the end of walk, if you so prefer

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