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Klamath Basin Audubon field trip April 29

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Apr 27, 2023, 9:33:25 AM4/27/23

Saturday, April 29, is a Klamath Basin Audubon field trip to the Skillet Handle in the Running Y.

It will be a hike through Oregon White Oak and Ponderosa Pine habitat with active courtship and nesting by resident birds such as Bewick's Wren, White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadee, and Oak Titmouse, there will more colorful neotropical migrants present as they have arrived and are moving through the area. So, the woods will be alive with songs, calls, and colors.

The hike will be three to four miles round trip and on a trail, so be prepared with adequate shoes, water, binoculars, and snacks. The recent days have been warming up, but as always dress appropriately, and include  a hat and sunscreen. The trail is relatively flat, and the pace will be somewhat slow, so still plan for early afternoon before arriving back at the trailhead in Running Y.

I will meet participants at the Locomotive in Veteran's Park, 8:50 am and hopefully leaving by 9:00 in a car pool. The group will stop at the Running Y Lodge for a restroom break since there are no restrooms on the Skillet Handle trail. The trail head is at the parking area near the Running Y boatlaunch. (if any residents at Running Y will be on the hike, please email that you will meet the group at either the lodge after 915, or at the trail head around 930).

If you have questions, email Kevin Spencer:

Kevin Spencer
Klamath Falls
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