Birds of Klamath County KBAS trip June 9 to 11

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May 13, 2023, 10:28:51 AM5/13/23
Klamath Basin Audubon Society sponsored trip to Klamath Marsh and surrounding areas
June 9th, 10th, & 11th
Two nights and two full days covering forest, riparian, and wetland habitats in northern Klamath Basin
Potentially seeing or hearing more than 140 species of birds, in beautiful settings, and including night/evening outings for nocturnal birds.

Leader: Kevin Spencer
Accomodations: in a house, (with sleeping bag on either bed or personal air mattress) both nights.
Walking up to 2 miles or more at some stops. Early departures, and excursions into the late evenings both night,s make for protracted days that are all about birds at that time of year.  Group dinners will be planned for both nights; otherwise participants on their own for other meals/snacks. Carpooling possible on Saturday.  Endurance, enthusiasm, and willingness to be out all day in any weather conditions will be needed, but the experiences and observations will be everlasting! 

There are still openings for this trip. Contact Kevin Spencer, to reserve a space, or for current itinerary.

Kevin Spencer
Klamath Falls

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