Disappointing Article @ NetworkWorld & My Comment

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Vince - Ghodmode Development

Oct 27, 2012, 6:19:35 PM10/27/12
to KKLUG Mailing List
Okay, so the article is entitled "The Four Freedoms of Free Software
are broken, Part 0" and I thought that it was going to be about the
RMS / FSF concept of Freedom and how it has failed and how it could
have been done better. Instead, the author tries to analyze the rules
like a high school algebra problem.

So, I commented:


Vince Aggrippino
Ghodmode Development

Vince - Ghodmode Development

Oct 27, 2012, 6:23:37 PM10/27/12
to KKLUG Mailing List
Well, the comment isn't there yet if I go when I'm not logged in. So
I guess it's in moderation. I'll check it again later and email again
when it's there.
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