Dear Prawnsalad

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Dec 4, 2023, 8:50:03 AM12/4/23
to kiwiirc
Hi there, Prawnsalad.

I haven't seen you around for a while, and I hope that you're doing well.

I'm not going to ask for anything. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to demand support from someone that's giving me something amazing for free. I just \ want to take this opportunity to say something that I am quite convinced you don't hear nearly often enough:


Thank you for all the hard work, time, blood, sweat and (maybe even) tears you've put into this project. Thank you for the years of your life you've dedicated to KiwiIRC. Thank you for the support you've provided. Thank you for pushing through, when all you seem to get are people taking, wanting, demanding, and never giving. Thank you for sticking around. Thank you for the connections you enable. Thank you for every person that connected via KiwiIRC, and found a person, channel or community where they felt they belonged for however long they needed to feel less alone. There are a million other reasons to be grateful for you and your work. I hope you haven't lost the faith in IRC, like I often have.

Even though you didn't create this project for the recognition, I know a little bit of gratitude goes a long way, sometimes. Please know that your work, and the work of every single person that contributes to this project, makes a difference.

I hope the KiwiIRC community follows my example.

Kind regards.
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