Hello friends,
I am getting this error when OpenCV recipe is building. Here i am just trying to get opencv version to be printed.
The solution that I have tried are: (I deleted OpenCV folder from the other_build every time before trying a new solution)
- different versions of cmake(3.6.3,3.9.3,latest).
- changing version of OpenCV==master in buildozer.spec file and changing the recipe in p4a to not apply patch of 2.4.10 if I use OpenCV==master. (FATAL: In-source builds are not allowed.You should create a separate directory for build files.)
- Different versions of NDK(9c,16b,17c).
I am using master branch of p4a.
I have attached log files, buildozer.spec file, pip freeze information.
Thanks in advance for any kind of help.