How to set bacckground color Spinner in the Screen Widget? and one vore question...

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May 18, 2018, 1:49:06 PM5/18/18
to Kivy users support
Ok. Hello anybody!))

I want to change color of Spinner widget to orange it that time i have to choose the Item. The Spinner displeace in the Screen / BoxLayout widgets

And if it possible how to create spinner with textinput widget to choose and write text for shoosing items/
Send it like vars in to file?? 

Thanks for you attention

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Снимок экрана от 2018-05-18 20-39-09.png


May 20, 2018, 9:13:07 AM5/20/18
to Kivy users support
You change the Spinners styling via kv rules. The present styling can be seen here:

To prevent displacing, you can display options in a popup? Difficult to say without a runnable example.

If you can to display TextInputs's here, you can subclass or override the SpinnerOption class .

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