How can I display the full path of file in KIVY?

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Yan Lam

Jul 25, 2019, 2:29:49 PM7/25/19
to Kivy users support

I'm new to kivy and I'm using FileChooserIconView to display the files. I am trying to display the current path of the file, however, it cannot show the full path of a file. It is possible to show the full path?

I have tried to set a root path, it can show the full path of a file. However, it will not show a “..” directory to go up to the root path. I want to show the ".." directory too.

This is my kivy code:

48 <Browse>:
49     title: 'Select the ouput directory'
50     size_hint: .8, .8 #the presentage size of the original window
51     auto_dismiss: False
52     FileChooserIconView:
53         path: '.'
54         id: fc2
55         filters: [root.is_dir]
56         on_selection:
57         BoxLayout:
58             size_hint_y: .1
59             orientation: 'horizontal'
60             GridLayout:
61                 size_hint_y: None
62                 height: 150
63                 rows: 2
64                 orientation: 'vertical'
65                 spacing:1.5
66                 BoxLayout:
67                     Label:
69                         text: "Path of directory: " + fc2.path
70                 BoxLayout:
71                     Button:
72                         text: 'Back'
73                         on_release: root.dismiss() #close the popup 
74                     Button:
75                         text: "Choose"
76                         on_release: 
77                             root.dismiss()

When I run this code and click the button "Browse", it will popup and show as follow: Path of directory: . and if I click "../", it can show the full path.

But I want to show the full path of the directory when I click the button "Browse".

Elliot Garbus

Jul 25, 2019, 4:34:36 PM7/25/19
Fc2.selection[0] will show the full path and filename.

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Yan Lam

Jul 25, 2019, 4:46:30 PM7/25/19
to Kivy users support
when I changed to fc2.selection[0], it gets an error: list index out of range
I think it is because I didn't give the default file.
and also I only want to show the directory path. 
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Elliot Garbus

Jul 25, 2019, 5:19:54 PM7/25/19
Selection is only set when a file is selected.

To display only a portion of the path I like to use pathlib, from the Python standard library.
You can import it into KV

#: import pathlib pathlib
Then I test if selection has been set to display the filename.  You can do something similar, using path lib to give you the path.
text: 'File: ' + ('<None>' if not fc.selection else pathlib.Path(fc.selection[0]).name)

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Yan Lam

Jul 26, 2019, 9:34:52 AM7/26/19
to Kivy users support
When I use pathlib.Path(fc.selection[0]).name), it can show the full path when I click some folders, however, it just can show "." when the screen popup, 
For example, when I click the button, the screen popup, and show the path: "." 
52     FileChooserIconView:
53         path: '.'
When I click the folder, and the path will show /home/user/test
So how can I show the full path when the screen popup for the first time. Thank you!

Elliot Garbus

Jul 26, 2019, 10:53:23 AM7/26/19

You can set path in filechoose to the initial path you want:


       path: ‘the/initial/path/you/want/’


You can use pathlib to get the absolute  current working directory or the home directory.


       path: str(pathlib. Path.cwd()) # the current working directory


       path: str(pathlib.Path.home()) # the home directory


these calls return a Path object, so need to be converted to strings to be used as the filechooser path.

Pathlib objects make it very easy to create paths.

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Yan Lam

Jul 26, 2019, 11:02:21 AM7/26/19
to Kivy users support
Thank you very much!
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