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android app freezes after switching apps/sleeping

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Steve Strongheart

Nov 2, 2018, 1:58:52 PM11/2/18
to Kivy users support

my app works perfectly on the Linux box, and works great on the android - until the phone goes into screen saver, or the user switches apps and returns.  
Sometimes the app reappears fully functional, but eventually and always it will come back frozen with black screen or partially drawn buttons. 

All androids I've loaded so far has this problem.

pertinant buldozer specs (others are default)
kivy 1.9.1
python_version = 3

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Глеб Самойлов

Nov 2, 2018, 2:14:23 PM11/2/18
to Kivy users support
Stable version of Kivy at the moment - 1.10.1
I have been testing Android applications for a long time, which continue to work with the function on_resume  and the problems that you describe not found!
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