Installing Kivy on MAC OS X Anaconda Environment

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Matthew Aquilina

Feb 18, 2018, 9:09:12 AM2/18/18
to Kivy users support
Hi all,

I have attempted to install Kivy in my Python 2.7 Anaconda environment, with little success.

At first I tried to follow the standard guide:

But the final stage 'pip install kivy' always encounters an error with 'gst.h' not found.

After this I tried various other solutions posted on the net, such as including 'USE_OSX_FRAMEWORKS=0' in the install line, attempting to install the development version, downgrading my Cython version and so forth.  However, none of these solutions have worked.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

I can provide error code returns etc if required.

Thanks for your help!

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