Does Kivy actually work on Windows 7 (64-bit) ??

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Jan 6, 2017, 12:52:46 PM1/6/17
to Kivy users support
Hi Folks,

I'm just checking in case I've missed something  ...... but, does Kivy actually work on Win 7 (64 bit) ???

I followed all the installation instructions here :

... and everything seemed to install successfully

But when I try to run the minimal App from kivy website :

from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Button(text='Hello World')



All I get is the following error ???

[INFO              ] [Logger      ] Record log in C:\Users\Administrator\.kivy\l
[INFO              ] [Kivy        ] v1.9.1
[INFO              ] [Python      ] v2.7.12 (default, Dec 19 2016, 15:56:45) [MS
C v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
[INFO              ] [Factory     ] 179 symbols loaded
[INFO              ] [Image       ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_gif, img_sd
l2 (img_pil, img_ffpyplayer ignored)
[INFO              ] [Text        ] Provider: sdl2
[INFO              ] [OSC         ] using <thread> for socket
[INFO              ] [Window      ] Provider: sdl2
[INFO              ] [GL          ] GLEW initialization succeeded
GL: glGenFramebuffers is NULL, try to detect an extension
GL: available extensions: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture
GL: No framebuffers extension is supported
GL: Any call to Fbo will crash !
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL version <1.1.0>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL vendor <Microsoft Corporation>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL renderer <GDI Generic>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL parsed version: 1, 1
[CRITICAL          ] [GL          ] Minimum required OpenGL version (2.0) NOT fo

OpenGL version detected: 1.1

Version: 1.1.0
Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Renderer: GDI Generic

Try upgrading your graphics drivers and/or your graphics hardware in case of pro

The application will leave now.
 Exception SystemExit: SystemExit(1,) in '' ignored
[INFO              ] [Window      ] Provider: sdl2
[CRITICAL          ] [Window      ] Unable to find any valuable Window provider
at all!
sdl2 - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_WindowBase__instance
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\", line 67, in core_s
    cls = cls()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\", line 138
, in __init__
    super(WindowSDL, self).__init__()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\", line 645, i
n __init__
    if WindowBase.__instance is not None and not force:

[CRITICAL          ] [App         ] Unable to get a Window, abort.

and a Window ..... shown in this message attachment 

I've tried the Installation and example code now on several different machines and get the same result ......

I don't think it's got anything at all to do with hardware drivers for the video chipset as I've updated them etc. ???

Has anyone gotten it to work on Win 7 ???




Oon-Ee Ng

Jan 6, 2017, 9:17:44 PM1/6/17
Are you running this in VirtualBox? The error message is fairly clear,
your video setup does not support opengl2, and that's a hard
requirement of kivy. Virtualbox supports it for win7 but not win10
(which is why I'm moving away from VBox on my win10 virtual machine,
eventually), and if you have an odd/old GC that may also be a problem
for you.
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> "Kivy users support" group.
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Jan 9, 2017, 5:36:39 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Thanks for reply ....... but, just to be clear, I'm trying to run it on physical machines with Win 7 installed e.g. a Dell Optiplex 960 with Intel(R) Q45/Q43 Express Chipset on mobo.
 According to both 'Geeks 3D Caps Viewer' and  'OpenGL Extensions Viewer' my machine supports OpenGL 2.1 and is able to run render tests from both these utils (see attached screenshots)     but, still getting the Kivy error about only having OpenGL 1.0 ????


Jan 9, 2017, 6:09:16 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Bizzare. It's like OpenGL is being hidden from Kivy. How exactly are you launching your app? It's not something like a compatibility mode setting? Right click on icon, properties, compatibility.

There is also a test utility in kivy/kivy/tools/ Try running that?


Jan 9, 2017, 6:56:07 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Thanks for reply ...

I was running my app just from command prompt i.e.   python  (the minimal example above) ....
Yes, I tried the     but just get same error message and error message Dialog as above ..

Ok, I'm going to try it on a Dell Precision 5810  (much newer graphics/video hardware   .... but still on Win7 64) ...

I will update here later ....


Jan 9, 2017, 7:32:40 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Ok, Good !  I got it running on a Dell Precision 5810 .... So, to answer to my own original question :

Yes, of course Kivy runs on Win 7 64 bit !

( ... but it may be pernickety about whatever testing and initializing of the hardware graphics that it does at startup on some older models of machines, even if those older models can run 3rd party demos of OpenGL 2.1 functionality ..... do you guys think that's right ?? )

P.S.  This was my very first encounter with Kivy (it looks awesome .... !)   and I hope I get more time to play with it, but, I'm just an absolute beginner ..

Thanks for help to all who replied ....

On Monday, January 9, 2017 at 11:09:16 AM UTC, ZenCODE wrote:


Jan 9, 2017, 7:38:31 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Great stuff!

But it would really be helpful to know what went wrong on your Dell Optiplex 960? I doubt it's age: OpenGL 2 is supported even on relatively old hardware! Why did it now pick up your OpenGL drivers? If you ever establish why, please post here :-)


Jan 9, 2017, 8:17:49 AM1/9/17
to Kivy users support
Thanks ZenCODE,

Yes, I will post here if I find out why  ......

note: it also failed with same error on a Dell Latitude E6410 laptop (at home) ...... but, as that was installed with Windows Server 2012 R2 I didn't think it appropriate to mention under a post that referenced Win 7  ..... this home laptop, even though Server OS, is configured for a lot of audio/video tinkering ....... Hmmm, now I'll try the Geeks 3D benchmark on that machine just for completeness to see what it reports (yeah, I know, a Windows Server config is probably not designed to run 3D or OpenGL but I'm just curious at this stage ...)


Jan 9, 2017, 4:47:31 PM1/9/17
Back when I used Windows, updating video drivers was the most common solution to
problems, video related or not.


Jan 13, 2017, 4:35:54 PM1/13/17
to Kivy users support
I still haven't gotten Kivy to work on anything except the Dell Precision 5810 (which has an Nvidia Quadro 2000 controller as an add in card i.e. a relatively new model probably supporting OpenGL 4 .... don't have enough info on this ...).

I'm thinking there's some bug in Kivy not detecting the OpenGL capabilities properly ...... i.e. something like if it encounters OpenGl 4 or 3 features it continues but is not able to detect OpenGL 2.1 features properly and thinks it's only OpenGL 1 and then quits ....

I temporarily got my paws on another Dell latitude E6410, this one has Windows 8.1.   Device Manager identifies the on board graphics chipset as 'Intel HD Graphics' and I have the latest driver (at least, the latest I could find on intel website ...) which is identified as v . 

I was able to download and install PyOpenGL 3.1.1, PyOpenGL Accelerate 3.1.1 and the PyOpenGL demos and they run fine, the spinning gears demo flies !!

Yet, Kivy tells me it can't run as I've only got OpenGL 1 ....... ??????  

Something wrong in the current build of Kivy ???   If so, it's a pity, because a lot of people probably have an older machine, fully OpenGL 2 capable, that they might like to try it out on ...

Any comments or info appreciated ...


On Monday, January 9, 2017 at 12:38:31 PM UTC, ZenCODE wrote:

sebastián lópez

Jan 13, 2017, 7:02:21 PM1/13/17
to Kivy users support
I had the same issue, I recommend you to try by installing the kivy wheel from site

Then you have to start a dos console

>> pip install <path2whell>/kivy-python.wheel

I also recommend you to copy the kivy file in the root level I.e c:/kivy...wheel or d:/kivy...wheel


Jan 14, 2017, 9:37:12 AM1/14/17
to Kivy users support
Many thanks for that suggestion, Sebastian ........ unfortunately, after downloading and install I still get the same error about OpenGL version being 1.0  (which I really don't believe) ...

I wonder how/where I could get an earlier build of Kivy in wheel format ??? I'd like to try an earlier build ... just in case, I guess it's worth one last shot ....



Jan 14, 2017, 5:56:52 PM1/14/17
to Kivy users support
OK, at loooong looong last I've gotten 'a version' of Kivy to work on my Latitude E6410 (which I KNEW all along had OpenGL 2 functionality) ...... basically I kept Googling for a download of an earlier version (earlier than 1.9.1) .... and all the results etc were in the wrong format for Windows,  e.g.  *.tar or *.gz   or   they needed Cython installed   or    after downloading Cython they still wouldn't compile etc. etc. etc.        when , finally, I found a 'portable' windows version at 1.8.0  on the Kivy website  -->

and guess what, it correctly detects my OpenGL as version 2.1 and finally am able to run the basic example on main page of Kivy website  .....

Conclusion, Kivy 1.9.1  not working correctly on  Windows 7, Windows 8.1 (and, actually , Windows Server 2012 R2 ... yes, yes, I know   .... don't be running it on a Server machine  ...) with hardware supporting OpenGL 2.1  !!!

here is a text paste of the startup in 1.8.0 from batch file kivy.bat, on my Latitude E6410  (to be compared with my original error message from Kivy 1.9.1 about only having OpenGL 1 ....)


C:\k>kivy.bat -w
botstrapping Kivy @ C:\k\
Setting Environment Variables:
done bootstraping kivy...have fun!\n
running "python.exe -w" \n
[INFO              ] Kivy v1.8.0
[WARNING           ] [Config      ] Older configuration version detected (14 ins
tead of 10)
[WARNING           ] [Config      ] Upgrading configuration in progress.
[INFO              ] [Logger      ] Record log in C:\Users\pboran\.kivy\logs\kiv
[INFO              ] [Factory     ] 157 symbols loaded
[DEBUG             ] [Cache       ] register <kv.lang> with limit=None, timeout=
[DEBUG             ] [Cache       ] register <kv.image> with limit=None, timeout
[DEBUG             ] [Cache       ] register <kv.atlas> with limit=None, timeout
[INFO              ] [Image       ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_pygame, img
_gif (img_pil ignored)
[DEBUG             ] [Cache       ] register <kv.texture> with limit=1000, timeo
[DEBUG             ] [Cache       ] register <kv.shader> with limit=1000, timeou
[INFO              ] [Text        ] Provider: pygame
[DEBUG             ] [App         ] Loading kv <.\test.kv>
[DEBUG             ] [App         ] kv <.\test.kv> not found
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Ignored <egl_rpi> (import error)
[INFO              ] [Window      ] Provider: pygame(['window_egl_rpi'] ignored)
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Display driver windib
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Actual window size: 800x600
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Actual color bits r8 g8 b8 a8
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Actual depth bits: 24
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Actual stencil bits: 8
[DEBUG             ] [Window      ] Actual multisampling samples: 1
GLEW initialization succeeded
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL version <2.1.0 - Build>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL vendor <Intel>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL renderer <Intel(R) HD Graphics>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] OpenGL parsed version: 2, 1
[INFO              ] [GL          ] Shading version <1.20  - Intel Build 8.15.10
[INFO              ] [GL          ] Texture max size <8192>
[INFO              ] [GL          ] Texture max units <16>
[INFO              ] [Shader      ] fragment shader: <No errors.>
[DEBUG             ] [Shader      ] Fragment compiled successfully
[INFO              ] [Shader      ] vertex shader: <No errors.>
[DEBUG             ] [Shader      ] Vertex compiled successfully
[INFO              ] [Shader      ] program: <No errors.>
[DEBUG             ] [ImagePygame ] Load <C:\k\kivy\kivy\data\glsl\default.png>
[INFO              ] [Window      ] virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, n
ot docked

[INFO              ] [OSC         ] using <thread> for socket
[DEBUG             ] [Base        ] Create provider from mouse
[DEBUG             ] [Base        ] Create provider from wm_touch
[DEBUG             ] [Base        ] Create provider from wm_pen
[INFO              ] [Base        ] Start application main loop
[INFO              ] [GL          ] NPOT texture support is available
[DEBUG             ] [Atlas       ] Load <C:\k\kivy\kivy\data\..\data\images\def
[DEBUG             ] [Atlas       ] Need to load 1 images
[DEBUG             ] [Atlas       ] Load <C:\k\kivy\kivy\data\..\data\images\def
[DEBUG             ] [ImagePygame ] Load <C:\k\kivy\kivy\data\..\data\images\def
[INFO              ] [Base        ] Leaving application in progress...

... If at first you don't succeed .. try, try, try again ... !

Best Wishes to All

On Saturday, January 14, 2017 at 12:02:21 AM UTC, sebastián lópez wrote:


Jan 14, 2017, 6:17:15 PM1/14/17
to Kivy users support
Happily monkeying around in Kivy portable 1.8.0

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