class ImageLabel(BoxLayout): source = StringProperty('images/expand-arrow-48.png') text = StringProperty('User')
class ImageLabelButton(ButtonBehavior, ImageLabel): pass
class ImageLabelButtonTop(ButtonBehavior, ImageLabel): pass
<SivaStatusScreen>: name: 'status_screen' canvas.before: Color: rgba: 255/255, 255/255, 255/255, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size AnchorLayout: id: status_add anchor_x: 'right' anchor_y: 'bottom' ImageButton: id: status_addbtn source: {'normal': 'images/plus-96.png', 'down': 'images/plusblue-96.png'} [self.state] size_hint: 0.2, 0.2 on_release: root.new_status_entry() BoxLayout: id: status_layout orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: id: actionbar_layout size_hint_y: None # size the box layout to contain the action bar height: 48 # width of the action bar in line with the minimum dimensions of the icons ActionBar: id: status_actionbar pos_hint: {'top': 1} background_image: '' background_color: 195/255, 60/255, 35/255, 1 ActionView: use_separator: True ActionPrevious: title: 'SIVA' with_previous: False ActionOverflow: CustomActionButton: id: status-button important: True source: {'normal': 'images/communicationgreen-48.png', 'down': 'images/communication-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_statusscreen() CustomActionButton: id: accounts-button important: True source: {'normal': 'images/key-48.png', 'down': 'images/keygreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_accountsscreen() CustomActionButton: id: bot-button important: True source: {'normal': 'images/bot-48.png', 'down': 'images/botgreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_botscreen() CustomActionButton: id: logout-button important: True source: {'normal': 'images/shutdown-48.png', 'down': 'images/shutdowngreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_logout() BoxLayout: id: status_display # size_hint is not needed. This Layout shares space with the BoxLayout that has a fixed y size, it will grow to fill the space. orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: id: status_label size_hint_y: None height: 40 orientation: 'horizontal' BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' Image: keep_ratio: True source: 'images/communication-48.png' Label: text: 'Status' markup: True color: 0, 0, 0, 1 ImageLabelButtonTop: # conflict in the on_release defined for ImageLabelButton and this instance. id: parent_button source: 'images/expand-arrow-48.png' text: 'User' on_release: # root.add_dd_values() on_parent: dropdown.dismiss() size_hint_y: None height: '40dp' DropDown: id: dropdown on_select: # args is a reserved keyword which returns only two values: object alias (0) and data (1). parent_button.text = args[1][0] parent_button.source = args[1][1] # Invoked inside dropdown # root - Screen, self - DropDown object ImageLabelButton: source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png' text: 'Twitter' ImageLabelButton: source: 'images/linkedin-circled-48.png' text: 'LinkedIn' BoxLayout: id: status_content
<ImageLabel>: orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: '40dp' spacing: 1 canvas.before: Color: rgba: 255/255, 255/255, 255/255, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size Image: size_hint_x: 0.3 keep_ratio: True source: root.source # root - ImageLabel Label: size_hint_x: 0.7 markup: True halign: 'center' valign: 'middle' text: root.text # root - ImageLabel color: 0, 0, 0, 1
<ImageLabelButton>: on_release: # Tuple returned in method to pass two values bundled as one. app.root.get_screen('status_screen'), self.source)) # Invoked inside ImageLabelButton rule # app.root - Screen, root - ImageLabelButton object, self - ImageLabelButton object
It looks like this should solve your issue:
An id is a weakref to the widget and not the widget itself. As a consequence, storing the id is not sufficient to keep the widget from being garbage collected. To demonstrate:
label_widget: label_widget
text: 'Add Button'
on_press: root.add_widget(label_widget)
text: 'Remove Button'
on_press: root.remove_widget(label_widget)
id: label_widget
text: 'widget'
Although a reference to label_widget is stored in MyWidget, it is not sufficient to keep the object alive once other references have been removed because it’s only a weakref. Therefore, after the remove button is clicked (which removes any direct reference to the widget) and the window is resized (which calls the garbage collector resulting in the deletion of label_widget), when the add button is clicked to add the widget back, a ReferenceError:
exists will be thrown.
To keep the widget alive, a direct reference to the label_widget widget must be kept. This is achieved using id.__self__ or label_widget.__self__ in this case. The correct way to do this would be:
label_widget: label_widget.__self__
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