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Question concerning the Kivy licensing and copyright

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Qiulin Huang

Aug 8, 2018, 11:41:55 PM8/8/18
to Kivy users support
Hi, I'm currently trying to publish one of my app made with kivy on the iOS App Store. As this is my first time publishing an app, I wonder how should I comply with the licenses of kivy and other kivy dependencies?
I have checked this link . However, I don't quite understand the sentence 'All of the dependencies will be used at least partially on each platform Kivy supports'. Does 'All of the dependencies' mean the libraries listed below the sentence? Are there any other dependencies which I should pay notice on.

I addition, how can I include copyright notices of all the kivy dependencies in my iOS app? Since users will download my app from the App Store, put all of the copyright notices in a LICENSE.txt does not work because no one can see it. So do I need to put copyright notices in the UI so users can click some button to open them? I have downloaded several iOS apps made with the kivy listed here, but none of them included copyright notices in their UI. 

Could someone provide me with more specific instruction on how should I do it? Thank you!

Tomáš K

Apr 2, 2022, 3:10:00 AM4/2/22
to Kivy users support
I am currently solving exactly the same problem with licensing. Did you get your answer?
One additional question: The individual texts of the kivy dependency licenses are listed in 'LICENSE.txt' one after the other? Or how do you separate them?
Thank you for your answer.

Dne čtvrtek 9. srpna 2018 v 5:41:55 UTC+2 uživatel Qiulin Huang napsal:
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