--requirements : what works, and doesnt.

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Robert Flatt

Jan 21, 2019, 7:28:10 PM1/21/19
to Kivy users support

I tried building all the user recipes (one by one) in https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android/tree/master/pythonforandroid/recipes
I used python3, and the latest p4a (details in link below).

Then I checked to see if an APK was build and if there was anything additional inside the APK.
The results were disappointing, specially as there are silent fails.

I cross-post here for those of you that try to use '--requirements' and need a sanity check.

Note: p4a changes frequently, there is probably already one item in that post which is obsolete. ;)

Robert Flatt

Feb 4, 2019, 8:46:01 PM2/4/19
to Kivy users support
Getting better. Results of my attempt to build all (?) the recipes follow.
Using python-for-android 'master'  installed 2/2/2019
--ndk_version 17c
--android_api 28
--ndk-api 21

If anybody knows how to build any of the failed recipes please let me know. More details on build dependencies and fails:

Recipes looking good:
`['Pillow', 'android', 'apsw', 'atom', 'audiostream', 'babel', 'boost', 'cffi', 'coverage', 'cryptography', 'cymunk', 'dateutil', 'decorator', 'doubleratchet', 'enum34', 'ffmpeg', 'ffpyplayer_codecs', 'freetype', 'gevent', 'gevent-websocket', 'greenlet', 'harfbuzz', 'idna', 'ifaddrs', 'ipaddress', 'jedi', 'jpeg', 'leveldb', 'libcurl', 'libexpat', 'libffi', 'libiconv', 'libnacl', 'libogg', 'libpq', 'libsecp256k1', 'libshine', 'libsodium', 'libtorrent', 'libx264', 'libxml2', 'libxslt', 'lxml', 'msgpack-python', 'netifaces', 'numpy', 'openal', 'opencv', 'openssl', 'pbkdf2', 'png', 'preppy', 'protobuf_cpp', 'pyaml', 'pyasn1', 'pycparser', 'pycrypto', 'pyjnius', 'pymunk', 'pynacl', 'pyogg', 'pyopenal', 'pyopenssl', 'pysdl2', 'pysha3', 'pytz', 'pyusb', 'pyyaml', 'reportlab', 'requests', 'scrypt', 'sdl2', 'sdl2_image', 'sdl2_mixer', 'sdl2_ttf', 'secp256k1', 'simple-crypt', 'six', 'snappy', 'spine', 'sqlite3', 'vispy', 'websocket-client', 'wsaccel', 'zeroconf']`

Recipes with no APK created:
`['cdecimal', 'cherrypy', 'enaml', 'ethash', 'evdev', 'feedparser', 'ffpyplayer', 'flask', 'fontconfig', 'groestlcoin_hash', 'icu', 'kivent_core', 'kivent_cymunk', 'kivent_particles', 'kivent_polygen', 'kivykiwisolver', 'libgeos', 'libglob', 'libmysqlclient', 'libtribler', 'libvorbis', 'libzbar', 'libzmq', 'm2crypto', 'mysqldb', 'omemo', 'omemo-backend-signal', 'pil', 'psycopg2', 'pycryptodome', 'pyethereum', 'pyicu', 'pyleveldb', 'pyproj', 'pyrxp', 'pyzmq', 'regex', 'ruamel.yaml', 'shapely', 'sqlalchemy', 'storm', 'sympy', 'twisted', 'ujson', 'vlc', 'x3dh', 'xeddsa', 'zbar', 'zope', 'zope_interface']`

Javier Alejandro Velasco Zapata

Feb 5, 2019, 11:25:33 AM2/5/19
to kivy-...@googlegroups.com
PIL doesn't work because it's not Python 3 compatible, only Python 2. I had problems with OpenCV in Python 3, maybe it´s my installation.

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Javier Alejandro Velasco
Estudiante de Ing. de Sistemas y Computación e Ing. Electrónica.

Elliot Garbus

Feb 5, 2019, 12:53:09 PM2/5/19
to kivy-...@googlegroups.com

PIL has been replaced with Pillow

Robert Flatt

Feb 5, 2019, 8:28:13 PM2/5/19
to Kivy users support
I think OpenCV was broken, but is recently fixed, though there is a rumor today of a run time problem, so don't rush in.....

In the .apk I get the following when --requirements=opencv,...:

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