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Waveshare 10.1 touch, RPI

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Kevin Großkreutz

May 4, 2020, 6:24:19 AM5/4/20
to Kivy users support

I can't get the waveshare 10.1  ( to work.

I finished the calibration and the touch events are correctly registered with the provided example "touchtracer".

However, the touch input and the mouse cursor are not in sync.

Also, when I touch on a button and the cursor is on a another one, the touch event is triggered on the button on which the cursor is located.

I added 'disable_on_activity" to the config.ini, without any effect.
I also deleted the mouse input from the config.ini, also no effect.


mouse = mouse,disable_on_activity
ADS7846 = hidinput,/dev/input/by-path/platform-fe204000.spi-event,rotation=90,invert_x=0,invert_y=1,min_position_x=117,max_position_x=3992,min_position_y=3743,max_position_y=156

How can I sync the cursor and touch, or get kivy to prioritize the touch?

Kevin Großkreutz

May 5, 2020, 12:11:42 PM5/5/20
to Kivy users support

The problem was not that 'disable_on_activity' is not working properly, it does! "min_position_x=117,max_position_x=3992,min_position_y=3743,max_position_y=156" has no effects, *_abs_* must be used instead of *_position_*. Unfortunately, these parameters are not descripted in the doc... (

These changes are already included in Kivy, but not documented anywhere.

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