While using the new export_to_png method for Widget in kivy 1.8.1 I've stumbled upon two problems:
1) No transparency for pngs. This is more of a design choice than a bug, as clearing to black for snapshots is desirable in some cases.
2) The red and green channels are flipped.
The first problem is easily solved by going to kivy/kivy/uix/widget.py.
Inside the export_to_png method change ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1) to ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0).
You can also use this to change the background color if you're exporting to a different format.
The second problem is a bug with pyGame for Python 3.3 rather than kivy itself. The bug only applies to png export (jpg and bmp work fine) and it does not exist in the Python 2.7 build.
I'm stumped as to where I can fix the problem since I can't directly access pygame's image source (it's a .pyd) nor can I modify the bytes before they're thrown it to pygame which gets it wrong.
I suppose it's possible to unpack and repack texture.pixels but I'm not really sure what format it's in.
Can somebody please push me in the right direction?