GPS permissions on ANdroid requested by App, but no request is displayed to user

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Gary Kuipers

Mar 28, 2023, 12:53:46 PM3/28/23
to Kivy users support
I have another app that uses this code but I apparently missed something important becasue I am getting the following when requesting and then checking permissions:

MAIN: Permissions gps_fine_permission=False
MAIN: Permissions gps_fine_permission=False after request
MAIN: Permissions gps_coarse_permission=False
MAIN: Permissions gps_coarse_permission=False after request

from kivy.lang import Builder
from import MDApp
from import app_storage_path
from kivymd.uix.screen import Screen
from import activity
from kivymd.uix.datatables import MDDataTable
from kivy.metrics import dp
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from sender import Sender
from kivy.clock import Clock
import json
from time import sleep
from plyer import gps
from kivy.utils import platform
from location_gps import LocationsGPS
from android.permissions import request_permissions, Permission, check_permission
from jnius import autoclass

VERSION = 'v0.1'

KV = """
id: screen
rows: 4
id: title
text: "Shrimptek: Squila SAS (SQU)"
#size_hint_y: None
size_hint: 1, 0.1
height: "48dp"
color: 1, 0, 0, 1 # red text color
font_size: "30sp" # increase font size to 20sp
id: box_layout_for_table_area
size_hint: 1, 0.8
id: button_exit
#size_hint_y: None
size_hint: 1, 0.1
height: "48dp"
text: "Salir"
color: 1, 0, 0, 1 # red text color
font_size: "50sp" # increase font size to 20sp
on_press: app.stop()

class MainApp(MDApp):
def __init__(self):
if platform == 'android':
from jnius import autoclass
from android.runnable import run_on_ui_thread
from android import mActivity
View = autoclass('android.view.View')
from import activity
from plyer.facades import UniqueID
gps_fine_permission = check_permission(Permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
print(f"MAIN: Permissions gps_fine_permission={gps_fine_permission}")
if not gps_fine_permission:
gps_fine_permission = check_permission(Permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
print(f"MAIN: Permissions gps_fine_permission={gps_fine_permission} after request")
gps_coarse_permission = check_permission(Permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)
print(f"MAIN: Permissions gps_coarse_permission={gps_coarse_permission}")
if not gps_coarse_permission:
gps_coarse_permission = check_permission(Permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)
print(f"MAIN: Permissions gps_coarse_permission={gps_coarse_permission} after request")

location_id = 'SQU' # TODO: paramterize
self.storage_filepath = app_storage_path()
self.loc_gps = LocationsGPS(self.storage_filepath)
gps.configure(on_location=self.on_location, on_status=self.on_status)
self.gps_data_status = None
self.gps_data_location = None
self.gps_data_lat = None
self.gps_data_lon = None
gps.start(minTime=1000, minDistance=1)
# pedir GPS
self.gps_data_lat = None
self.gps_data_lon = None
while not self.gps_data_lat or not self.gps_data_lon:
print('waiting gps')
self.gps_coords = {'lat': self.gps_data_lat, 'lon': self.gps_data_lon}
# get the phone ident
Secure = autoclass('android.provider.Settings$Secure')
android_uid = Secure.getString(activity.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID)
self.ident_data = {'location_id': location_id, 'version': VERSION, 'android_uid': android_uid}

print(f"INIT: self.gps_data_lat={self.gps_data_lat} self.gps_data_lon={self.gps_data_lon}")

def build(self):
testing = True
# We get the GPS data on startup

if testing:
rows = [
["", "03-10 08:00:00", "P1", 2.23, 33.3, 26.4],
["", "03-10 08:00:01", "P2", 3.23, 0.3, 26.4],
["", "03-10 08:00:02", "P3", 0.23, 11.3, 26.4],
["", "03-10 09:00:03", "P0", 1.27, 22.4, 26.3],
["", "03-10 09:00:00", "P2", 4.23, 51.3, 26.4],
["", "03-10 09:00:00", "P3", 4.23, 51.3, 26.4],
["", "03-10 10:00:00", "P1", 5.11, 64.4, 26.5],
["", "03-10 10:00:00", "P2", 5.10, 64.1, 26.5],
["", "03-10 10:00:00", "P3", 5.11, 64.4, 26.5],
["", "03-10 11:00:00", "P1", 5.11, 64.4, 26.5]
rows = [["", "----", "--", "--", "--", "--"], ["", "----", "--", "--", "--", "--"]]
root_widget = Builder.load_string(KV)
self.table_area = root_widget.ids.box_layout_for_table_area
self.sender = Sender(self, self.ident_data, self.gps_coords) # send a copy of self to the sender
return root_widget

def on_location(self, **kwargs):
# kwargs={'lat': 36.5555609, 'lon': -87.2884085, 'speed': 0.0, 'bearing': 0.0, 'altitude': 0.0, 'accuracy': 2700.0}
self.gps_data_lat = kwargs['lat']
self.gps_data_lon = kwargs['lon']

def on_status(self, stype, status):
self.gps_data_status = 'type={}\n{}'.format(stype, status)
def make_table_widget(self, rows):
self.table_area.clear_widgets() # If a data table exists, delete the datatable widget
self.table = MDDataTable( # Elliot: Create a new datatable with the received dat
pos_hint={'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5},
size_hint=(1, 1),
background_color=[1, 0, 0, 0.5], # does not work
("", dp(1)),
("Cuando", dp(30), self.sort_on_datetime),
("U", dp(12), self.sort_on_location),
("O", dp(12), self.sort_on_do),
("%", dp(12), self.sort_on_pct),
("T", dp(12), self.sort_on_temp)
self.table_area.add_widget(self.table) # Elliot: Add the datatable to the widget tre

def check_data(self):

def on_check_press(self, instance_table, current_row):
print(instance_table, current_row)

def on_row_press(self, instance_table, instance_row):
print(instance_table, instance_row)

def sort_on_location(self, data):
print(f"sort_on_location data={data}")
data.append(json.loads('["", "03-10 12:00:00", "P1", 6.00, 70.0, 27.0]'))
pos_of_location = 2
# data=[['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P1', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P1', 4.27, 53.4, 26.3], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P2', 5.1, 64.1, 26.5], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P3', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 11:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5]]
# enumerate the tail of each rec and prepend the key at pos
sorting_list = []
pos = 0
for rec in data:
key = rec[pos_of_location]
rec = [key] + rec
pos += 1
sorted_data = sort()
# print(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_location])
retval = zip(*sorted(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_location]))
print(f"sort_on_location: retval={list(retval)}")
# sort_on_datetime: retval=[(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), (['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P1', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P1', 4.27, 53.4, 26.3], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P2', 5.1, 64.1, 26.5], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P3', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 11:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5])]
# sort on location: retval=[(0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8), (['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P1', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P1', 4.27, 53.4, 26.3], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 11:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 12:00:00', 'P1', 6.0, 70.0, 27.0], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P2', 5.1, 64.1, 26.5], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P3', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5])]
# sort_on_do: retval=[(0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8), (['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P1', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P1', 4.27, 53.4, 26.3], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 11:00:00', 'P1', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P2', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P2', 5.1, 64.1, 26.5], ['', '03-10 08:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 09:00:00', 'P3', 4.23, 51.3, 26.4], ['', '03-10 10:00:00', 'P3', 5.11, 64.4, 26.5])]
return retval
# 03-13 16:50:21.574 10582 10628 I python : sort_on_location data=[['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70']]
# 03-13 16:50:21.575 10582 10628 I python : sort_on_location: retval=[(2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 8, 20, 0, 1, 19, 17, 18, 15), (['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-10 12:00:00', 'P1', 6.0, 70.0, 27.0], ['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'])]
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
# 03-13 16:50:21.576 10582 10628 I python : File "/home/gary/PycharmProjects/YSI_Read/test_tables/.buildozer/android/app/", line 162, in <module>

def sort_on_datetime(self, data):
print(f"sort_on_datetime data={data}")
pos_of_datetime = 1
retval = zip(*sorted(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_datetime]))
print(f"WTF: sort_on_datetime: retval={list(retval)}")
return retval
# 03-13 16:47:10.347 7110 7156 I python : sort_on_datetime data=[['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70']]
# 03-13 16:47:10.347 7110 7156 I python : sort_on_datetime: retval=[(19, 17, 18, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 11, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0), (['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '])]
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
# 03-13 16:47:10.349 7110 7156 I python : File "/home/gary/PycharmProjects/YSI_Read/test_tables/.buildozer/android/app/", line 162, in <module>

def sort_on_do(self, data):
print(f"sort_on_do data={data}")
pos_of_do = 2
retval = zip(*sorted(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_do]))
print(f"sort_on_do: retval={list(retval)}")
return retval

def sort_on_pct(self, data):
print(f"sort_on_pct data={data}")
pos_of_pct = 3
retval = zip(*sorted(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_pct]))
print(f"sort_on_pct: retval={list(retval)}")
return retval
# sort_on_pct data=[['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70']]
# 03-13 16:42:24.899 2014 2065 I python : sort_on_pct: retval=[(0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 13, 10, 11, 16, 6, 7, 8, 12, 9), (['', '03-13 16:37:41', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 16:37:02', 'casa', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 07:45:18', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-12 07:28:43', '111', ' ', ' ', ' '], ['', '03-13 08:12:36', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-13 08:06:45', '111', ' 3.52', ' 44.10', ' 26.80'], ['', '03-11 11:41:05', '222', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:39:55', 't7', ' 4.68', ' 79.80', ' 34.40'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:10:20', 't6', ' 5.06', ' 86.00', ' 34.20'], ['', '03-11 11:09:16', 't5', ' 5.06', ' 86.60', ' 34.70'], ['', '03-11 11:53:02', '222', ' 6.73', ' 79.50', ' 34.10'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 12:44:30', '222', ' 7.17', ' 91.70', ' 27.80'], ['', '03-11 11:32:40', '111', ' 7.30', ' 93.30', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:33', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.10'], ['', '03-11 13:01:11', 'NULL', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:18:56', '222', ' 7.35', ' 93.50', ' 27.50'], ['', '03-11 12:58:00', '222', ' 8.35', ' 99.10', ' 23.60'])]
# ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0) pos_of_pct = 3???
def sort_on_temp(self, data):
print(f"sort_on_temp data={data}")
pos_of_temp = 4
retval = zip(*sorted(enumerate(data), key=lambda l: l[1][pos_of_temp]))
print(f"sort_on_temp: retval={list(retval)}")
return retval



Mar 28, 2023, 4:33:40 PM3/28/23
to Kivy users support
Don't know if this is the issue, but see para3
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