Seeking comments on Python/Kivy for mobile apps

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Jan 10, 2015, 11:16:34 AM1/10/15

I started working with Kivy because I had recently taught myself Python. I thought it would be nice to write a program once and have it run on Android, iOS, and my PC immediately. I'm starting to sense that *immediately* isn't so straight forward. I read on the user group here that "getting Kivy running on iOS can be quite a mission".  I also read in other posts here that there are other issues, for example, long load times in iOS. I found myself looking for objective C books on Amazon this morning and pondering how I should proceed with my own project. I really don't want to start over since I have put a lot of time into programming my game logic and Kivy ui.

Could people give their opinions on the current state of Kivy and Python as it relates to mainstream app development? What are the pros and cons for someone just learning objective C or Java, where one would have more access to more support and resources? As someone who only knows Python, looking at objC gives me a headache right now. In 5 years, do we think that companies like Google and Apple will support Python for mobile development? Thanks for any opinions you have on the subject. I apologize if my note here doesn't come across as positive. I love Python and Kivy and have learned a lot from it. I just want to know how to evaluate the various options for my project.


Ao Yen

Jan 10, 2015, 11:26:05 AM1/10/15
Kivy is really nice to prototype your ideas. I even have some personal apps that I haven't ported into Java for Android because Kivy just does everything I need.

There's a few things that hold Kivy back on Android though:

- Performance is less than a native app. Not amazingly noticeable for small programs, but it becomes pronounced on larger ones
- Access to the native platform is shifty. I rely on plyer for things like the camera. But a native interface to the platform would be amazing
- At least for Android, Kivy is stuck on Python 2. I made a post about that last year, but I don't think it will move to Python 3 any time soon.

Federico Curzel

Jan 10, 2015, 12:00:32 PM1/10/15
All Ao Yen says is correct, what I can add is that you found complicated to integrate your app with external frameworks.

Here is my very simple Python\Kivy app :
It is programmable calculator which you can use to plot math functions ecc.
( Essentially, you write python code, which is evalued by Sympy )

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