Here is a simple example I helped another user with that shows how to use Clock.schedule_interval. You can use Clock.schedule_once the same way. Code attached.
class SimClock(Label):
current_time = StringProperty(strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.timer = Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_time, 1)
def update_time(self, dt):
self.current_time = strftime('%H:%M:%S')
def cancel_time(self):
There is a class SimClock derived from a label. When the class is constructed, the schedule is started.
Once a second update_time() is called. It reads the current time and updates the value on the label, using the string property current time.
Looking at part of the KV code…
size_hint_x: 1
size_hint_y: 0.8
source: './clock.jpeg'
self.source = './play.png'
mylabel.text = 'wakey wakey eggs and beaky'
When the mouse button is released on the clock image, the cancel_time() method is called, stopping the schedule.
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