problems with upgrade to 1.10.1

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Iain Simpson

Jan 22, 2019, 9:01:28 PM1/22/19
to Kivy users support

Two years ago I built a golf scoring application which was originally to
be run on an android tablet. However the tablet version was not needed
and I have been running it very satisfactorily  (with only very minor
changes) on my Xubuntu 18.04 linux system desktop system.

This morning I ran the latest ubuntu software update which upgraded Kivy
to 1.10.1.

The application now fails since it used 'listview' which is now not
available and has been replaced by 'RecycleView'

I am prepared to make the changes but

a. I have not worked with Kivy for 18 months (apart from some very
trivial changes) and the upgrade may take some time.

b. To help understand the changes, I tried to use the examples in the
( and both failed.

the simpler with

kivy.factory.FactoryException: Unknown class <SelectableRecycleBoxLayout>

and the selectable version with
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kivy/uix/", line 1067,
in add_widget
   raise Exception('ScrollView accept only one widget')

builtins.Exception: ScrollView accept only one widget

As a temporary measure I would like to revert to 1.10.0 to enable the
application to run while I make the change to 'RecycleView'

Please can someone advise me on how I should proceed ?

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