TextInput with clear button included

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Thomas Schulz

non lue,
22 janv. 2017, 08:28:2522/01/2017
à Kivy users support

I would like to create a searchbar with an clear button included (like google.com).

I tried something like:

    hint_text: 'Eingabe'
        text: 'x'
        x: self.parent.x
        y: self.parent.y

Unfortunately the button never shows.
Any hints?


Thomas Schulz

non lue,
27 janv. 2017, 10:35:0127/01/2017
à Kivy users support
No hints at all? Maybe my question is too simple!?
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Aaron Bell

non lue,
27 janv. 2017, 22:45:0527/01/2017
à Kivy users support
Your question isn't too simple. Someone who knows Kivy could spot and correct the issue from a mile away.

We just don't have enough contributors on this forum, it seems, because my question from January 23rd is still unanswered, too.

That said, here's my answer:

Principle you violated in your code:

You can't store elements (like the Button) in non-layout (non-container) elements (like the TextInput)

Where to go from here:

Here's a sample code I created, to get you started. There's more to be done with it, i.e.
  • having the buttons at a longer width, instead of two tiny buttons when the screen is small
  • center-aligning or top-aligning the code
But I think this'll get you in the right direction.

#! HintApp.py
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput

class GoogleLikeSetup(BoxLayout):
class HintApp(App):
def build(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

#! HintApp.kv
id: test
size_hint_y: None
height: '160dp'
padding: 20
spacing: 20
orientation: 'vertical'
id: google_search
hint_text: 'Eingabe'
size_hint_x: 85
spacing: 40
padding: root.width * 0.20, 0
text: 'x'
text: 'x'

For more information on layouts check out: 
Thanks for posting on the Kivy forum. Be sure to pay this back by answering someone else's question sometime :) 

Thomas Schulz

non lue,
28 janv. 2017, 06:08:3628/01/2017
à Kivy users support
Thanks a lot Aaron for your detailed answer. You have put me on the right track ( Í think).
I know about layouts. But I thought it should be possible just to put widget into widgets (and it is sometimes).
I have come up with an new approach and it looks promising:

Here is the working example code:

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang import Builder

root = Builder.load_string("""

txtinput: _txtinput
id: _txtinput
multiline: False
hint_text: 'Search'
size: (300,50)
text: "X"
background_color: (1,1,1,0)
color: 0,0,0,1
size: (20,20)
x: self.parent.txtinput.width - 1.5*self.width
y: self.parent.txtinput.height - 1.5* self.height


#class MySearchBox(Widget):
# pass

class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
return root

if __name__ == '__main__':

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