Re: [Docs > Best Practices] missing?

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Feb 9, 2017, 3:51:30 AM2/9/17
to Kivy users support
I was also looking forward to reading those sections. Bummer.

Alexander Taylor

Feb 9, 2017, 3:49:12 PM2/9/17
to Kivy users support
It looks like these sections were just never completed, sorry about that. For what it's worth, I'm not aware of any major topics that are missing from the doc but would have gone there.

On Thursday, 9 February 2017 07:08:38 UTC, Fico Prieto wrote:

Is this page under development? Forgotten? Erroneously missing content?

Very interested in the listed topics  : )

It seems incomplete, as there are topic headers - but no actual content:


Feb 10, 2017, 1:24:23 AM2/10/17
to Kivy users support

I once offered to add fill out these sections, but was not sure what to put there. @tito wanted to add these sections, but I guess he never got there. If he could just brief me on what he had in mind, I'd be happy to flesh write it up and submit PR's. Or perhaps other devs have suggestions? One suggestion might be explorations of advanced kv/property binding. How to do things in a GPU/processing friendly way e.g. keeping the GUI responsive during heavy CPU processing/disk access.
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