I want to convert class webcam into kv file and Using popup

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May 12, 2020, 8:39:29 AM5/12/20
to Kivy users support
I would like to use Streetpopup for the Streetpop class defined in the py file.

If i click Street Button I want Webcam to come out.

kv file

            text: "Street"
            size_hint: .5, .0
            font_size: 50
            on_press: Factory.StreetPop().open()


py file

class StreetPop(Popup):
    def build(self):
        layout = BoxLayout()
        self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        cv2.namedWindow("CV2 Image")
        Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0/33.0)
        return layout

    def update(self, dt):
        ret, frame = self.capture.read()
        cv2.imshow("CV2 Image", frame)
        buf1 = cv2.flip(frame, 0)
        buf = buf1.tostring()
        texture1 = Texture.create(size=(frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]), colorfmt='bgr')
        self.img1.texture = texture1


Elliot Garbus

May 12, 2020, 11:10:47 AM5/12/20
to kivy-...@googlegroups.com

The build method only belongs to App().  Move the layout code to kv.


<StreetPop>:  # remove the dynamic class creation because you are defining it in python.


Move the code you want to run at StreetPop object creation to __init__()   

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