I've been playing with the Kivy android support and I've noticed a probable bug (but I don't have time to write a minimal example etc to make a Github issue; just in case anyone fancies a probably easy enough fix).
When you create a new Camera (the kivy.uix one, not the kivy.core one) you can pass the argument play=False to it (the default is play=True). According to the documentation, this will create the new camera 'stopped'. Which is all well and good, except that:
__init__ sets
on_index = self._on_index
and later calls it. Then in self._on_index, you have:
if self.play:
self._camera.bind(on_texture=self.on_tex) |
so if self.play = False at the start, then (unless you change the camera index, which I suspect is rare) you never bind the texture and the camera doesn't work. The on_play calls just call self._camera.start() or self._camera.stop(); they don't bind the texture. I have bodged it in my app with:
def _on_index(self, *largs):
if self._camera and not self.play:
but that's pretty ugly.