Adding a pinchable svg

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Oct 22, 2020, 9:40:09 PM10/22/20
to Kivy users support
Hello, I am new to Kivy, and I have little python experience. Is is possible to have a pinchable SVG or PDF file? In addition, is it possible that when I click button in SVG or PDF it open other page in app? Is there a recourse to any of these topics?

Thx in advance

Pranav Balaji Pooruli

Oct 22, 2020, 10:19:02 PM10/22/20
to Kivy users support
To open a file in another app, you can use the jnius module. Jnius is a Python module for accessing Java classes. So you can only use it if you know Java. But I recommend this easy way: Use the webbrowser module to open a link if the app has a website. For example, to open a Google Doc in the Google Docs app, you could say webbrowser.open_new_tab(''). Doing this will open a dialog asking you if you want to open this link in the Google Docs app or in a web browser. All you have to do is select Google Docs and the file will be opened in Google Docs.

Jnius is a module for opening URLs in the default web browser on any device and is built-in to Python.
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