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Vibol Vireak

Nov 13, 2016, 2:36:28 AM11/13/16
to Kivy users support
Hello i'm really interest on Kivy. But there a few question i'm still wonder about.

1. Is Kivy suitable for desktop application for each unix/linux, windows or mac os ?
2. Kivy use .ky for ui loader this make me remember about .qml of QT so it mean it the same or anything? please correct me if i'm wrong.
3. Is .ky interface is easy to write alternative to html css ?
4. Is possible! Can someone list me some desktop application develop with kivy ?

I'm thank you for your advice, and apologize the wrong question and my English. :)


Nov 13, 2016, 8:42:06 AM11/13/16
to Kivy users support
1. Yes. Its suitable, but deployment is requires attention to each individual OS. This is pretty much unavoidale.
2. Kivy uses kv files. These have nothing to do with qt, but are based on similar principles.
3..kv is much simpler that html/css and used just to create your UI in a platform agnostic manner. html/css are two distinct languages that your browser controls and behaves differently in each browser.

In short, I believe Kivy is a great solution for many apps. Try it :-)

Bill Janssen

Nov 18, 2016, 8:49:34 PM11/18/16
to Kivy users support
Kivy *is* a great solution for many apps.  I've written complicated apps in it, for both Android and desktops.  My desktop apps run unchanged under Windows, Linux, and MacOS.  My Android apps run on the desktop, unchanged.  Astonishing.

Remarkable feat of engineering on the part of the Kivy team (who obviously have Elon-Musk-like ambitions here :-).

There are issues with regard to desktop usage, but they are minor.  You are restricted to only one window.  There's no notion of controlling the size of that window, or its position, or whether it's initially hidden or visible, in any sensible desktop way.  I had to turn backflips there to put up a reasonable splash page.  And the layout system is clearly oriented towards mobile usage, with one big screen that your widgets have to carve up, instead of the more standard shrink-to-fit paradigm used with most desktop UI toolkits.  It takes some getting used to.  The configuration system is awkward beyond belief; far too much code in my desktop editor app is dedicated to managing it properly.  The widgets are a mixed bag; most are solid, though sometimes counter-intuitive (for my intuition, at least), but a few are just broken.  For instance, I think the author of ScatterPlaneLayout meant to inherit from ScatterLayout, not ScatterPlane; makes you wonder how well things are tested.  And the line-drawing graphics are not really what people expect these days; I've gotten some complaints from my users about that.  There's no story about runs-in-a-browser-window, which is a checklist item for some folks these days.

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