Trouble installing Kivy

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Ayushman Singh

Dec 20, 2019, 9:20:33 AM12/20/19
to Kivy users support
I was trying to get started on Kivy so I followed the instruction on the official website, but after installing the dependencies for kivy when I tried running 

python -m pip install kivy==1.11.1

I got some errors about gstream then I think it tried reinstalling kivy but failed again, I've attached the screenshots from command prompt for reference.

Note: I'm using a virtual environment to install everything and have tried installing it outside the environment as well but the error persists. Have tried reinstalling the dependencies, didn't work.

Please help if someone has the solution to this problem.
Thank you for using your time reading this.
Screenshot (90).png
Screenshot (91).png
Screenshot (92).png

Pablo Diaz

Dec 20, 2019, 10:22:28 AM12/20/19
to Kivy users support
Try python3 instead of python

Robert Flatt

Dec 20, 2019, 7:19:46 PM12/20/19
to Kivy users support
Well that is odd.

This is a Windows install, right?  (and assuming this was followed exactly: )

But the install is downloading a tar.gz file, on Windows this should (always?) be a .whl
And some of the following "requirement" lines would only be seen on a Linux install.

Type "python" at the CMD prompt and show us header lines (there will be 1 or 2)  it prints out.

On Friday, December 20, 2019 at 5:22:28 AM UTC-10, Pablo Diaz wrote:
Try python3 instead of python

Ayushman Singh

Dec 22, 2019, 1:38:38 AM12/22/19
to Kivy users support

Screenshot (98).png

Well I've followed official website i.e. this.
And am using python 3.8 from the beginning, never installed any other version.
Installation was done via python windows installer.

Had tried py -3 earlier but it does not seem to work.

Will installing conda and installing kivy from there have any differences than doing what I'm doing right now?

Robert Flatt

Dec 22, 2019, 12:27:51 PM12/22/19
to Kivy users support
Use the standard Python 3.7, as far as I know Kivy does not yet support 3.8.

The symptoms are odd, it looks like pip thinks it is on Linux, but the Python version and OS are Windows.

Robert Flatt

Dec 22, 2019, 8:07:20 PM12/22/19
to Kivy users support
Had tried py -3 earlier but it does not seem to work.

I don't know what "py -3" is but check in the Windows PATH environment variable that it is not possible still to find it (there might be directories left after an uninstall)

Will installing conda and installing kivy from there have any differences than doing what I'm doing right now?
I'm not a Conda user, I only see the posts here where people have trouble with Conda, but I don't know if that is due to Conda or the people ;)
Last I saw Conda was including an old version of Kivy, so a Kivy update or VM install is pretty much required.
And don't use a Conda that uses Python 3.8

The basic Python 3.7 should be fine. And check that the environment variables are clean from previous installs.
And just do the default install, a shared install will add some minor challenges later.

Brian Dillon

Jan 4, 2020, 1:40:24 AM1/4/20
to Kivy users support
Unlike the original poster, I have a lot of development experience (all the way back to "big iron" days), but am new to Python. In trying to install and set everything up (using Python 3.8), I have encountered the same issue when trying to install Kivy. It definitely is trying to use  a .tar.gz file (" Using cached .. . .."). I'm going to try python 3.7 and see if that solves the problem. If not, maybe I'll download the wheel and try to install it that way.

Brian Dillon

Jan 4, 2020, 12:12:59 PM1/4/20
to Kivy users support
Update:Decided to try the installing from a wheel first - there appears to be no wheel for Python3.8 which, I suspect, is why the .tar.gz file gets used instead. So, next step seems to be to fall back to an earlier version of Python or forget about using Kivy.

Brian Dillon

Jan 4, 2020, 12:28:05 PM1/4/20
to Kivy users support
There is a development wheel for Python 3.8 which will install without throwing any errors. Don't know yet how stable it is but I thought I'd give it a try. . .

Robert Flatt

Jan 4, 2020, 10:14:53 PM1/4/20
to Kivy users support
The release version of Kivy 1.11.1 is not supported on Python 3.8, use Python 3.7

There is a developer version Kivy 2.0.0 that installs on Python 3.8.
As long as you understand the potential for uncertainties in a developer version of a major release, go for it.
It works for me on Windows, but I can't say if that would be generally true.

And of course anything packaged for Android will be packaged with Python 3.7/Kivy 1.11.1 regardless of what runs on the desktop.
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