iOS features split-view and slide-over do not work

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Feb 12, 2020, 1:20:10 PM2/12/20
to Kivy users support

I managed to build a Kivy app for iOS and am testing it with Xcode on an iPad. The split-view and slide-over view features of iOS works great on two generic apps. Unfortunately, when I try this for one generic and my Kivy app, it does not work.
Are there any specific settings needed in the kivy configuration to make this work? And/or is this controlled in the Xcode project configuration?

Thanks for your time, effort and knowledge sharing in advance.


Feb 15, 2020, 5:31:20 AM2/15/20
to Kivy users support
Kivy iOS does not currently support those features. You might be able to use them via the main.m file (using objective C) or via pjobjus, but as as no one has done that yet, there are currently no guidelines for that.


Feb 19, 2020, 2:40:09 AM2/19/20
to Kivy users support
Managed to get it working.
It relates to the settings in Xcode.
In main.m env variable IOS_IS_WINDOWED should be True
Settings in the General Tab of the Xcode project in section Deployment info:
1.  All device orientations shall be activated; 
2. In Status Bar Style activate Hide status bar and de-activate Require full screen

In section App icons and Launch Images a Launch Screen File shall be selected (or added if there is no one available yet).

Under the Info Tab the items under Supported interface orientations (IPad) shall have a orientation selected.

Op woensdag 12 februari 2020 19:20:10 UTC+1 schreef WvdB63:


Feb 19, 2020, 11:48:49 AM2/19/20
to Kivy users support
 Very nice! And thanks a stack for posting back your method. That's a great help. +1
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