class ConnectionDetails(BoxLayout): pass
class ImageLabel(BoxLayout): source = StringProperty('images/expand-arrow-48.png') text = StringProperty('User')
<ConnectionDetails>: orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_x: 0.95 size_hint_y: None pos_hint: {'center_x':0.5} height: '90dp' BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) ImageLabel: canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) size_hint_x: 0.8 size_hint_y: None height: '30dp' source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png' text: 'Twitter' ImageButton: size_hint_x: 0.2 size_hint_y: None height: '30dp' source: {'normal': 'images/edit-48.png', 'down': 'images/edit-green-48.png'} [self.state] BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) Label: canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) size_hint_x: 0.8 markup: True color: 0, 0, 0, 1 text: 'User' ImageButton: size_hint_x: 0.2 source: {'normal': 'images/trash-48.png', 'down': 'images/trash-green-48.png'} [self.state] Label:
<SivaAccountsScreen>: dropdown2: dropdown2.__self__ name: 'accounts_screen' canvas.before: Color: rgba: 255/255, 255/255, 255/255, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size BoxLayout: id: accounts_layout orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: id: actionbar_layout2 size_hint_y: None height: 48 ActionBar: id: accounts_actionbar pos_hint: {'top': 1} background_image: '' background_color: 195/255, 60/255, 35/255, 1 ActionView: use_separator: True ActionPrevious: title: 'SIVA' with_previous: False ActionOverflow: CustomActionButton: id: status-button2 important: True source: {'normal': 'images/communication-48.png', 'down': 'images/communicationgreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_statusscreen() CustomActionButton: id: accounts-button2 important: True source: {'normal': 'images/keygreen-48.png', 'down': 'images/key-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_accountsscreen() CustomActionButton: id: bot-button2 important: True source: {'normal': 'images/bot-48.png', 'down': 'images/botgreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_botscreen() CustomActionButton: id: logout-button2 important: True source: {'normal': 'images/shutdown-48.png', 'down': 'images/shutdowngreen-48.png'} [self.state] on_release: root.to_logout() BoxLayout: id: accounts_display orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: id: accounts_label orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: 40 BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' Image: keep_ratio: True source: 'images/key-48.png' Label: text: 'Accts' markup: True color: 0, 0, 0, 1 ImageLabelButtonTop: # conflict in the on_release defined for ImageLabelButton and this instance. id: parent_button2 source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png' text: 'Twitter' on_release: # root.add_dd_acc() on_parent: dropdown2.dismiss() size_hint_y: None height: '40dp' DropDown: id: dropdown2 on_select: # args is a reserved keyword which returns only two values: object alias (0) and data (1). parent_button2.text = args[1][0] parent_button2.source = args[1][1] # Invoked inside dropdown # root - Screen, self - DropDown object ImageLabelButtonAcc: source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png' text: 'Twitter' ImageLabelButtonAcc: source: 'images/linkedin-circled-48.png' text: 'LinkedIn' ScrollView: do_scroll_x: False do_scroll_y: True scroll_type: ['bars', 'content'] bar_width: 15 BoxLayout: id: accounts_content orientation: 'vertical' height: self.minimum_height size_hint_y: None ConnectionDetails: ConnectionDetails: ConnectionDetails: ConnectionDetails: ConnectionDetails: BoxLayout: id: accounts_add_layout orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: '48dp' Label: ImageButton: id: status_addbtn size_hint_x: 0.05 size_hint_min_x: 48 source: {'normal': 'images/plus-96.png', 'down': 'images/plusblue-96.png'} [self.state] on_release: #root.new_account_entry()
Inside the definition of <ConnecitionDetails>: in kv, give each of the objects you need to access an id.
I add an id to each of instances I want to access… Then use those ids, to access the attributes you want to change:
     orientation: 'vertical'
     size_hint_x: 0.95
     size_hint_y: None
     pos_hint: {'center_x':0.5}
     height: '90dp'
           orientation: 'horizontal'
                       rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1
                       width: dp(1)
                       rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height)
                 id: image_label
                             rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1
                            width: dp(1)
                            rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height)
                 size_hint_x: 0.8
                 size_hint_y: None
                 height: '30dp'
                 source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png'
                 text: 'Twitter'
                 Id: image_button
In Python:
class ConnectionDetails(BoxLayout):
   def my_method_name(self):
       self.ids.image_label.text = ‘New text’
Each kivy rule has it’s own ids dict.
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class ConnectionDetails(BoxLayout): def delete_social_account(self): print(self) # self - ConnectionDetails object App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.remove_widget(self)
<SivaAccountsScreen>: dropdown2: dropdown2.__self__ accounts_content: accounts_content.__self__
on_release: #root.new_status_entry()
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Screens have 2 events that can be used to ensure a method is run when the screen is entered.
on_enter, and on_pre_enter.
on_pre_enter: is fired when the screen transition animation is starting. If you are going to be making changes on the screen, this is the event to use.
on_enter: is fired when the animation is complete.
The drop down above has only 2 values. When I select any 1 value and click on the plus button (bottom-right), It should add a new record/row each of which is a master widget. Depending upon the selection, the image and the text inside the ImageLabel needs to be updated at the time of creation/updation. If the widgets are created dynamically, I cannot use static id values. What option do I have to update the value (image, text) of each child widget?
Please advise.
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class ConnectionDetails(BoxLayout): def delete_social_account(self): print(self) # self - ConnectionDetails object
class SivaAccountsScreen(Screen): def to_statusscreen(self): App.get_running_app().root.current='status_screen' App.get_running_app().root.transition.direction='right'
def to_accountsscreen(self): App.get_running_app().root.current='accounts_screen' App.get_running_app().root.transition.direction='left'
def to_botscreen(self): App.get_running_app().root.current='bot_screen' App.get_running_app().root.transition.direction='left'
def to_logout(self): App.get_running_app().root.current='login_screen' App.get_running_app().root.transition.direction='right'
def load_social_accounts(self): print("on_pre_enter", self) # self - <Screen name='accounts_screen'> # Clearing default widgets from the Accounts Screen App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.clear_widgets() s=open("social_accounts","r") for x in s: # print(x) # Create child widgets for each record in the flat file App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.add_widget(ConnectionDetails()) s.close()
<ConnectionDetails>: orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_x: 0.95 size_hint_y: None pos_hint: {'center_x':0.5} height: '90dp' BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) ImageLabel:
id: cd_image_label
canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) size_hint_x: 0.8 size_hint_y: None height: '30dp' source: 'images/twitter-circled-48.png' text: 'Twitter' ImageButton:
id: cd_edit_button
size_hint_x: 0.2 size_hint_y: None height: '30dp' source: {'normal': 'images/edit-48.png', 'down': 'images/edit-green-48.png'} [self.state] BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) Label:
id: cd_user_text
canvas.after: Color: rgba: 128/255, 128/255, 128/255, 1 Line: width: dp(1) rectangle: (*self.pos, self.width, self.height) size_hint_x: 0.8 markup: True color: 0, 0, 0, 1 text: 'User' ImageButton:
id: cd_delete_button
size_hint_x: 0.2 source: {'normal': 'images/trash-48.png', 'down': 'images/trash-green-48.png'} [self.state]
on_release: root.delete_social_account() Label:
<SivaAccountsScreen>: dropdown2: dropdown2.__self__ accounts_content: accounts_content.__self__ name: 'accounts_screen'
on_pre_enter: root.load_social_accounts()
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Okay there are a few questions here, I’m not sure I understand all of them:
To Access the child widgets and text use the id’s you have created in the widget:
cd = ConnectionDetails()
cd.ids.cd_image_label.text = ‘Linkedin’
If you want to pass a set of values into the construction ConnectionDetails(label_source=’file.png’, lable_text=’sometext’) you would pull them out of the kwargs dict. Let me know, I can show you a simple example. I think for your use case, pulling data from a file,  it would be simpler to do as shown above
To access another screen from within a screen you can use the screens manager attribute, this will work if both screens are under the same screenmanager:
This: App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.add_widget(ConnectionDetails())
Simplifies to:
It looks like self is the accounts screen, so you can simplify further:
  dropdown2: dropdown2.__self__
  accounts_content: accounts_content.__self__
  name: 'accounts_screen'
  on_pre_enter: root.load_social_accounts()
Here I think you want to use self.load_slocail_accounts()Â self refers to the SivaAccountsScreen.
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def load_social_accounts(self): print("on_pre_enter", self) # self - <Screen name='accounts_screen'> # Clearing default widgets from the Accounts Screen App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.clear_widgets() s=open("social_accounts","r") for x in s: # print(x) # Create child widgets for each record in the flat file
cd = ConnectionDetails() cd.ids.cd_user_text.text = x self.manager.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.add_widget(cd) #App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.add_widget(cd) #App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('accounts_screen').ids.accounts_content.add_widget(ConnectionDetails()) s.close()
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At the risk of overkill on a hazy Sunday afternoon…
Here are 2 ways to use kwargs in kivy. The ComboLine class uses the magic of kivy properties.Â
ManualKW is the ‘traditional’ way us using kwargs. The keyword arguments are passed in a dict, the keywords you want to use a popped out of the dict (removing them) before the dictionary is passed on to the parent __init__. You might want to do this if you are initializing values that are not kivy properties.Â
I found this a useful reference:
from import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import StringProperty
kv = """
       text: root.label_1
       text: root.label_2
       text: root.button
   orientation: 'vertical'
       label_1: "I'm initialized in kv"
       label_2: 'me too'
       button: 'Yes'
class RootBoxLayout(BoxLayout):
   def on_kv_post(self, base_widget):
       for i in range(5):
           self.add_widget(ComboLine(label_1=f'Hello {i}', label_2=f'Yo {i + 100}', button='kwargs'))
       for i in range(5):
           self.add_widget(ManualKW(one=f'name {i}', two=f'something {i}', b='Button text'))
class ComboLine(BoxLayout):Â # Automagically using kivy properties...
   label_1 = StringProperty('default 1')
   label_2 = StringProperty('default 2')
   button = StringProperty('default button')
class ManualKW(ComboLine): # doing in the manual way
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
       self.label_1 = kwargs.pop('one', 'use me if one not defined')
       self.label_2 = kwargs.pop('two', 'More Nothing')
       self.button = kwargs.pop('b', '?')
class KwargsExampleApp(App):
   def build(self):
       return Builder.load_string(kv)
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