Pardon the dumb question, but why KissXML?

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Jul 4, 2009, 9:20:32 AM7/4/09
to KissXML
Hi Robbie (and others),

Pardon my ignorance, as I'm a bit of a NOOB. I've been wrestling/
learning about SOAP/XML on the iPhone for a few weeks now and from
what I've read, Apple did not provide great XML support for the
iPhone. Everyone says that NSXML is not supported and therefore
developing efficient SOAP/XML code is difficult. I looked into the
wsdl2Objc approach, but that just generated a bunch of complex classes
and protocols that left me confused. I also looked at TouchXML, but
that is read only.

I eventually found a good, simple tutorial on SOAP (http:// for XMLParser that really helps and also read the Apple
documentation on XML Event Driven Programing which supported the
tutorial. I believe I am finally getting my head around SOAP/XML
using this approach and have achieved some initial success in testing.

So my (probably) dumb question is, why would I use KissXML instead of
XMLParser? Is it faster, easier, or just more familiar to experienced
developers? Does it perform better on the iPhone?

I figured I should ask before I go too far down the road I am
currently on, as maybe I'm taking the wrong (or inferior) approach and
should spend my cycles learning KissXML instead. By the way, I am
using iPhone SDK 3.0 interfacing with a commercial web site and need
to read/write XML messages wrapped in SOAP.

Thanks in advance for any advice or direction you can provide. - Mike


Jul 5, 2009, 8:15:56 AM7/5/09
to KissXML
Hey Robbie,

It looks like you already answered my questions on another forum! I
found a post you wrote on Stackoverflow regarding SAX vs. DOM and it
explains the differences - so thanks for that. Can you point me
towards any good documentation or examples of using KissXML?


Robert Hanson

Jul 6, 2009, 12:13:53 AM7/6/09
Hi Mike,

KissXML aims to be a direct replacement for apple's NSXML. So the
best documentation will come from apple's NSXMLDocument, NSXMLElement,
NSXMLNode, etc documentation. Let us know if you have any questions.

-Robbie Hanson
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