Need help ASAP printing .5mm vertical walls in KISSlicer!!! The generated toolpath skips half of the part!

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Thomas Martin

Jun 5, 2014, 9:34:54 AM6/5/14
I am trying to print out parts where the extruders/colors alternate each layer. I have made two .STL files that are each composed of a set of 10 .5mm thick rectangles and I import them into KISSlicer as an assembly to print at .5mm layer thickness, resulting in alternating layer colors. The part prints perfectly when the planes of the rectangles are horizontal, parallel to the print bed in the first picture. But when I try to print it with the planes of the rectangles vertical like the second picture, it skips a few of the rectangles and ends up with a failed print. I have been working on 3D printers for months and using Solidworks for 5 years so I have experience with the design and process. I have printed probably a few hundred parts with KISSlicer as well but cannot find a solution to this regardless of how many settings I change, does anyone know how to make this print? It is important that the thickness of the rectangles and the layers are the same for what I am printing so the rectangle toolpaths have to be printed in lines, not loops. Any help on this would be appreciated!

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Chris Keller

Jun 6, 2014, 1:23:34 PM6/6/14
were there supposed to be pictures?

post your gcode and stl too.


Jul 13, 2014, 7:35:12 PM7/13/14
Well, this sounds like you are trying to print single pass layers that are 0.5mm wide. IOW, using only Crowning; which is a single pass. You can't use Loops, because there is no return path. Single width passes might be possible but, as you have found, not entirely reliable because Crowning is only ment to do quick fill-in where a Loop cannot go. It isn't a precision path.
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