RELIABLE max speed settings Makerbots running sailfish

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Jul 5, 2014, 12:56:40 PM7/5/14
Hi everybody with access to a makerbot with sailfish-firmware out there:

I compared several profiles for Makerbots and would like to tune the speed of printing, when running a makerbot with sailfish:
Under Printer and Speed there are in Kisslicer 5 fields to put settings. Sailfish lists values here ( Reliable form CupCake to Rep2 seems to be something around 150, 10, 50, 100, 1000 (from top to bottom).
Since the "wording" is not equal within KISSlicer and sailfish about speeds, I can confirm that those values at least run on the TOM I´m printing here in University. But when I look at that sailfish-table I am not so sure if e.g. XY Accel can be set up to those 2000 "Max acceleration normal moves" that sailfish states? Or the Travel Speed could be greatly enhanced to those 500 of "max acceleration of X, Y"? Anybody more experience with that?

Best, Lucas


Jul 5, 2014, 2:16:48 PM7/5/14
I think Dan of Sailfish has stated that a printing speed of 120mm/s and a travel speed of 200mm/s is reachable with Sailfish / the replicators when nicely tuned and maintained (don't know the 5th gen).
But: that 120mm/s is ok for infill, but not for the perimeter: normally that is set at 50% of the speed (in skeinforge / makerware). So the max printing speed for the perimeter is normally 60mm/s

Normally I use for 'fast' printing  40mm/s for the perimeter, 80mm/s for solid infill and support and 100mm/s for sparse infill.
Mind you: that speeds are seldom reached because of the de- and acceleration settings of Sailfish (normally set to 'fine' acceleration settings). 
I set the travel speed to 150mm/s, the Z to 10mm/s, the first layer to 40mm/s, and the limit increase to 100.(when that one set to 20, it increases each layer the speed with 20% until it reaches the max speeds on the 5th layer, see the tooltip as well.). 

The XY acceleration value you refer to in the printer settings under speed, doesn't actually has influence on the generate Gcode / print: it's just to get a more accurate estimation of the print time. You can refer to the tooltip when hoovering over that field.

Jul 5, 2014, 2:46:29 PM7/5/14

thank you very much for confirmation. I didn´t want to post this specific questions in the sailfish-forum and am very glad for the immediate response. I put your numbers in and make some tests next week! Wingcommanders and your profiles that served as a base were anyway very close to that. Let´s see how fast it gets.

What you actually said about the maximum reachable speed is very true. Actually on TOM´s you have to do quite some work to make first the hardware good enough. I modified the primary and next the secondary stage for more preciseness with less power needed (good post:, because otherwise the steppers get too hot and steps might be lost. But so far the TOM here that I modified works great (if I take now the belt off and push with my little finger the stage goes from one end to the other - guess it is now not any more over-constrained).

Best, Lucas
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