help with filament settings

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Diane z

Aug 28, 2014, 3:44:45 PM8/28/14
I am still learning and I was wondering if using bulk filament on cubex with kisslicer and cubitmodv4.5 do I need to change the material from 0.1 to something else? if so how. the materials only have 0.1 thickness and about 2 colors does that matter? I'm printing white right know but no white setting thank you. currently using Octave ABS. and also the setting is set at 270 when I followed the install is that to high?


Aug 28, 2014, 4:58:25 PM8/28/14
First, their is a thing to know to know before starting, fine tuning is per material and per filament roll and per layer height. it’s really important to get the best result. In this tutorial you will learn how to have a good start in the relationship between your printer and your filament. You will setup kisslicer to macht the extrusion width (nozzle) of your printer, we will do this by printing a shape with a single wall. 

Download this simple shape here 

Open Kisslicer and go to open, select the file downloaded previously, we are going to set the right thickness of a single wall print. 

Go to the style tab, fill the field like this (you can use the FlowTweak CubexConfig1_3 style if you download cubeitmod here)  : 
extrusion_width_mm=0.5 (if you have the original cubex nozzle, otherwise it’s your nozzle size) 
num_loops=1 (we just want one loop to measure it !) 
infill_extrusion_width=0.5 (if you have the original cubex nozzle, otherwise it’s your nozzle size) 
use_wipe=0 (Don’t forget to uncheck it, you can get an more thickness as the head came back after each path end) 
Infill slider : hollow 

Style Tab 
Style Tab 
 Go to the support tab : 
Support OFF (slider on the left) 
Raft type : grid / inflate 3 mm 
Prime pillar none 
Brim dia : 0 / brim ht : 0 
Support TAB 
Go to material tab (this is where all the difference between your roll will appear !)  : 
Select a material close of your setup and click on Copy material 
First name your material by a descriptive name like PLAcolorfabb-0.2Res-0.5Nozzle 
Measure your filament diameter at several point with a caliper, make an average and fill the diameter field 
From the filament manufacturer report the average temperature in the main field and the max temp in the first layer field 
Let the Destring colon as it was set by your files 
Let the Fan/Cool colon as it was set by your files 
Setup the flowtweak to 1 and let the other value as they are 
Let the M228P et M228S in standby now 
Material TAB 

Go to printer tab : 
Check you’ve selected a cubex printer 
In the « material extruder » sub tab select the material that you configured previously 
Printer Tab 
Printer Tab 

It’s time to print ! : 
Push slice 
Push save, you will have a popup box with the summary of the operation. 
Save your finetune_1.bfb on an usb key 
Go to your printer, check the z-gapp, pray and print ! 

Judgement : 
Take your print and measure with your caliper the walls on several points. Are they equal to the extrusion width you set on the material tab ? 
It’s not equal, don’t worry : 
if your measure is higher than your extrusion width, like for 0.52 instead of 0.52 adjust your flow tweak at 0.98 instead of 1 for example 
if your measure is lower than your extrusion width, like 0.44 adjust the flow tweak at 1.06 for example 
Save an other time  and reprint the shape with your new flow tweak. Check the wall thickness, and you understand if you don’t get the good result, redo the flow tweak setup. 
If it’s equal : you win the right to go in the next tutorial, the infill and solid to get the best of your printer for your yoda bust 


Aug 28, 2014, 5:04:03 PM8/28/14

Le jeudi 28 août 2014 20:44:45 UTC+1, Diane z a écrit :
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