Repairing/replacing 3DTouch hot-end

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Rob W

Jul 18, 2014, 7:57:30 PM7/18/14
This isn't related to KISSlicer, but this is the largest BfB user community I know of, so I figure it's the best place to ask this.

I have a two-extruder 3DTouch, and the thermocouple on my #1 hot-end just died (it's reading 220 when the extruder is stone cold, and climbs to 999 almost instantly if I turn the extruder on).  I'm wondering if it's possible to replace the thermocouple, or if I'll need to buy a new hot-end.

If I do need a new hot-end, do people have suggestions for drop-in replacements, or should I order one from the Cubify legacy support store?


Jul 18, 2014, 10:38:57 PM7/18/14
I have a few 3d systems machines and all of them use 230 K Ohms thermistors .  The correct value is 230 K POCS

 As I have said before. I use 200 K ohm's because they are easier to get and much cheaper on EBAY.  just work with the slight discrepancy. For example All My working temps according to the Display for ABS reads as 205 c but we know its actually much hotter up around 240c.  and at the end of the day who cares its just a number to guide and control the machine.  

Yes you can replace the Thermistor in the hot end its just a messy and delicate kind of job.  But one I have done many times. 
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