CUBEPRO using KISSLICER (printer movements)

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Nov 9, 2014, 2:43:47 AM11/9/14
I'm a little new to 3D Printing and I just bought a CubePro Trio, hoping to get really good quality prints, but the CubePro software just isn't cutting it.  Most of the .07mm prints either end up with failed support structures or they become fused to the object. 
I bought KISSLICER Pro and got a print off tonight after generating a .cubepro file from a .bfb.  I had to edit the header lines to match a working .bfb file.

My question is- 
The extruder movements generated by default KISSLICER settings are really different than the default CubePro prints that I have made.  The extruder position are different on start and the head always raises and lowers on each layer.  The support structure prints are blazing fast and really jarring.  Some of the movements seem overly jerky and fast. 

Is this going to break any of the components of the machine? (burn out the motors, wear down the gears, etc.) I like the speed, but are these movements damaging?  Is there some hardware reason that 3D System's Software is the way it is?

Thanks in advance!
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