Print position not matching printer or GUI shown on printerface. Printer is a rapidbot v1

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Neil Thorpe

Feb 25, 2014, 3:15:44 PM2/25/14
Hi all, wondering if anyone has any idea whats happening.

If I print an object over about 4 cm width/length that ive sliced with kissslicer, it doesnt print in the centre of the bed, instead it starts perhaps 2.5/3cm from the left  of the print bed coming back to past the stop on the left side so print fails dramatically as its trying to print in an area that doesnt exist, printer makes a huge squealling noise as its being forced past the stop.

Its odd, as a smaller print will print in the correct place as shown on printerface. Its only larger objects, and even though printerface says yip its centred in the middle the print clearly is not.

This only happens with Kissslicer, different slicing programs dont do this.

Any ideas



Feb 25, 2014, 3:52:15 PM2/25/14
What happens if you add 2.5 to 3 cm to the off set to the right. Forcing it to print centre?   
My CubX always prints a bit to the left.  But i thought that was because the default off set was set there.  I will have a play around with it and get back to this post.

Rick Zehr

Feb 25, 2014, 6:26:39 PM2/25/14
Assumptions: you have set the bed size and bed center correctly in KS Printer tab, and that the placement sliders at lower right are set on Center on both axes?

Neil Thorpe

Feb 26, 2014, 3:13:22 AM2/26/14
Bed dimensions are correct, sliders are set to centre.

If its a small object less then 4 cm then it prints it in the centre of the bed, so it knows the centre and can see the limit switches.

A larger object and then its as if it resets the start position so x,y 0,0  are transposed to around 110,0.

So when it starts printing, it prints off the edge of the bed on the left side and thats through the limit switch sensor it can see. But on pronterface it shows the object being in the centre of the bed.

It seems to make no difference where I locate the object using the sliders in KISSslicer, it still prints the same off the edge of the bed.

Same STL file used to create gcode using sfact or slice3r prints in the correct position.

Rick Zehr

Feb 26, 2014, 5:48:29 PM2/26/14
Do you the option to print from an SD card?  I'd hazard a guess that KS centers it on the bed, and then Pronterface moves it to what it thinks is the center, including the offset that KS created. Use the sliders in KS to place the object somewhere else on the bed instead of centered, to compensate. 
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